Supplying your goods and services to Council

Our procurement process

Council applies the strategic contracting procedures outlined in the Local Government Regulation 2012 to all procurement and contracting activities.

Council generally procures goods and/or services and disposes of non-current assets through either a quote or tender process. Suppliers wanting to do business with us are encouraged to:

Council's key considerations

Council takes into consideration the sound contracting principles outlined within the Local Government Act 2009. These principles are:

  • value for money
  • open and effective competition
  • the development of competitive local business and industry
  • environmental protection
  • ethical behaviour and fair dealing.

Inviting quotes or tenders from local businesses

Council proactively supports the growth of local businesses and industry, and the generation of employment opportunities through our Procurement Policy and Local Preference Operational Directive.

Where the expected value of a contract is less than $500,000 quotes may be invited in the first instance from suitable local businesses who Council considers can meet their requirements at competitive prices. Where the expected value of a contract is greater than or equal to $500,000, Council may include a local business and local benefit non-price evaluation weighting of 15 percent.

When inviting quotes or tenders, Council uses VendorPanel Marketplace to engage with local businesses and the open market.

Procurement spend thresholds and process

Expected value of the contract (excluding GST) Procurement process
Less than $25,000 Council will obtain one written quote (minimum) from a local business in the first instance (where suitable).
$25,000 to $250,000 Council will invite two written quotes (minimum) from local businesses in the first instance (where suitable).
$250,000 to $500,000 Council will invite three written quotes (minimum) from local businesses in the first instance (where suitable).
$500,000 or more Council will invite tenders in accordance with the contracting plan.

We may also undertake:

  • expressions of interest
  • procurement under an existing Council supplier panel arrangement, Local Buy arrangement, or other government agency arrangement
  • an alternate exception process where Council's procurement and contact manual allows for an exception.

Exceptions from undertaking a competitive procurement process

Council may enter a contract without first inviting quotes or tenders when the contract is made under an exception. An exception can occur where:

  • a contract is made under an existing supplier panel arrangement established through a competitive procurement or tender process
  • there is a demonstrated new or innovative solution offered that will benefit City of Moreton Bay
  • there is only one reasonably available supplier
  • a contract is made with another government agency
  • a contract is entered into under a local government association arrangement
  • there is a genuine emergency
  • a contract is made for the purchase of goods via an auction
  • a quotation or tender consideration plan is developed
  • a contract is for the purchase of second-hand goods
  • City of Moreton Bay's Chief Executive Officer approves an exemption from undertaking a particular procurement process
  • there is a short-term extension to an existing contract.

Invoices and payments

To ensure invoices are paid promptly, email your valid tax invoice to Tax invoices submitted should include the contact officer’s name plus one of the following:

  • purchase order number
  • work order number
  • contract reference.

Purchase terms

Our standard payment terms are 30 days after the month end of the invoice date following Council’s purchase order terms and conditions or payment terms as per the agreed contract conditions.

Safeguarding payments to suppliers

Council has implemented safeguards in our supplier payment processes to protect against cybercrime. This includes protecting against the risk of supplier payment details being altered fraudulently.

Council uses EFTsure, a system that verifies supplier details every time we make a payment. EFTsure is an independent, real-time, continuous monitoring system designed to manage supplier onboarding and data management. EFTsure ensures accurate electronic funds transfers for payments.

Verifying supplier details

Suppliers who undertake business with Council will receive an email from EFTsure, asking them to confirm their details, including their business name, ABN and bank account details. The email will link them to the supplier verification portal on the EFTsure website.

Supplier data provided is verified by EFTsure by telephone to ensure that only legitimate information is entered into Council’s finance system.

How to update your details

Suppliers can contact Council if their details change, or if they notice any discrepancies by emailing Depending on the data being updated, suppliers may receive a phone call from an EFTsure team member to verify their details.

Collaborative procurement for Team Moreton Bay

City of Moreton Bay's trying a new approach when it comes to procurement. Collaborative procurement, or open innovation, involves Council taking a 'problem' to market and asking for help to solve it. We would usually put a request for a quote or tender for a known solution to market.  

By presenting a 'problem' to the market, we engage with our suppliers and stakeholders and their networks. Through facilitated conversations, we'll use design thinking to explore options and possible solutions.  

This approach helps us source innovative solutions from multiple providers. Our new approach aims for better outcomes and support for our local businesses.  

At our open innovation supplier briefing session, we were able to provide outcomes for challenges such as:  

  • tracking footpath and road conditions with cameras and e-bikes  
  • creating an accessible gate mechanism for playgrounds and dog parks  
  • using data and technology to inspire desired behaviour.   

View more about the open innovation briefing.

Using this approach, we will continue working with suppliers and experts to develop solutions. 

Supplier briefing sessions

Council proudly hosts supplier briefing sessions for businesses wanting to do business with Council. Businesses are encouraged to attend to:

  • understand how Council procures goods and services
  • gain first-hand insights into Council’s significant procurement opportunities
  • engage with procurement staff and buyers from Council
  • explore the tailored local business support available from Council representatives, our partner organisations and other government agencies.

Watch a recording of our 2023 supplier briefing session to discover how Council approaches procurement and engages suppliers.

Further enquiries and more information

If you have any general contract or tender enquiries you can email For accounts payable enquiries contact