City of Moreton Bay's website has been designed and developed to ensure that content is accessible to the widest possible audience, including:
- people who may use assistive technologies
- those with slower internet connections or less than state-of-the-art equipment
- rural and regional users
- those with non-PC internet devices including hand held devices and mobile phones.
The accessibility features available and instructions on getting the most from this website are as follows:
Help us make this website accessible
If you encounter problems with accessing or using a particular page, feature or element of this website, please send us your feedback.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance
As part of a commitment to accessibility, City of Moreton Bay's website has been developed according to the Web Accessibility Initiative's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. Through a combination of automated and manual reviews, pages on this website have been deemed to at a minimum meet the requirements for AA conformance. Where practical AAA guidelines have also been addressed.
The files that comprise this website have also been checked for valid HTML and CSS content.
However, as assessment against some guidelines includes an element of subjectivity, and as this website is constantly evolving and growing, we value your feedback.
Skip links and keyboard navigation
For screen readers and other serial browsers, links, forms and text are designed to be accessible with the keyboard (or equivalent pointing/actuating device). You can navigate through a page using the Tab and Enter keys, or those commands you would normally use.
Groups of related links are generally displayed as lists. "Skip navigation" links have been provided within the tab order of each page (otherwise not visible within the viewing window) to enable users to bypass a series of links and take the focus directly to the main content.
Text size
This website has been designed to allow your internet browser to determine the size of text throughout the site.
Where a hyperlink is to a document, the file type and size of the document is indicated. Efforts have also been made to provide this information in a way that is meaningful for screen readers and other serial browsers.
PDF document accessibility
Where possible, information on City of Moreton Bay's website is provided in HTML or other equally accessible formats. In some cases, however, resources are identified that can only be provided efficiently in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Newer versions of Adobe® Reader® incorporate a number of accessibility features. The latest version of Adobe Reader is available from Adobe.
If you require a non-PDF version of a document for accessibility reasons, please email Where available, a copy will be forwarded to you within 5 working days.