Moreton Bay covers 2,045 sq km with 3,684 km of roads and 294 km of coastline and estuaries.
City of Moreton Bay has 12 divisions. All residents elect a Mayor and a Councillor to represent their division for a four-year term.
General Meetings and Committee Meetings of the City of Moreton Bay. Find more information on meeting dates, agendas, and community participation.
Careers with Council give you the lifestyle and growth you deserve. Join our team to enhance your skills and help shape our future city.
Council seeks to understand the needs of its communities and strives to exceed expectations in meeting those needs.
Council has an active volunteer program operating across various different program areas. Find out what opportunities are available.
Sets out Council's current organisational structure.
City of Moreton Bay matters. We need our fair share of funding so we can future-proof our city. We're making a call for the 2024 Queensland Elections.