Sandbags must not be placed into your general waste bin unless they are empty. The sand can be used as topsoil on lawns and gardens. Do not allow sand to wash into stormwater drains.
Learn more about sandbag disposal
7 Jun 2025 | 09:00 AM - 02:30 PM
A previously undiscovered material in the universe, Mugic, has been found in City of Moreton Bay. From the little we know so far, Mugic is a curious hybrid of music and magic which channels the musical possibility in an object or person. To better understand Mugic, scientists and musicians have built an instrument called The Mostly Mellifluous Melodium. Scientists say Mugic can only be released when coaxed out into the world through improvisation, storytelling, and play. Everyone is invited to participate with The Melodium and have some fun:
Scientists think when the right combination of tones are brought together, Mugic is released into the air, increasing people’s wellbeing and the possibility for adventure. Created by Sarah Winter. Facilitators: The Joy Dispensary. Surprise guest performers.
Redcliffe Library (top carpark), 476 Oxley Ave, Redcliffe 4020. View map
476 Oxley Ave , Redcliffe 4020.
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This event is suitable for all ages and abilities. Children to be accompanied by an adult.