Transparency and Accountability Focus of Councillor Training

Published 29 April 2020

Moreton Bay Regional Council is laying the foundations for a new era transparency and accountability, with Queensland’s Integrity Commissioner (QIC) and Independent Assessor (QIA) brought in today for a briefing with councillors.

Councillors learned how to foster integrity and manage misconduct from the State Government’s leading organisations.

Mayor Peter Flannery said the training was part of an extensive induction program for all Councillors, both new and old.

“I thank the CEO for arranging this training to occur less than a week after Councillors took the declaration of office,” Cr Flannery said.

“This is a new decade, we have a new CEO, with a new mayor, and six new Councillors.

“It’s important we start off on the right foot to set a new standard and new tone for Moreton Bay Regional Council in 2020 and beyond.

“I want this to be a Council that works every day to earn the trust of our community, because we’ll need their trust to make the big decisions required to get our region through the tough economic times ahead.”

CEO Greg Chemello said training in those early days will help prepare Councillors properly to best deliver on the needs of the community.

“The best thing we can do is provide the opportunities and tools for Councillors to seek advice and talk opening about issues,” he said.

“Today Councillors had the opportunity to learn more about how the QIC and QIA operate when it comes to supporting Council to ensure public confidence and accountability.

“Hearing advice from the experts will better equip Councillors when it comes to dealing with conflicts of interest, and inappropriate and corrupt conduct.”

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