Morayfield’s multimillion dollar road upgrade motoring along

Published 19 August 2020


Work will begin next month on the continuation of a multimillion-dollar upgrade to Oakey Flat Road in Morayfield, between Ashbrook Drive and Lakeview Road.

The $10.7 million project will include widening and lane duplication of over 1km of road, intersection upgrades, pathway improvements and streetscaping.

Mayor Peter Flannery said amid the upheaval caused by COVID-19, it has provided the perfect opportunity to get on with the job of major road upgrades.

“The traffic jams over the long weekend are a reminder to us all of just how important it is to ensure our infrastructure keeps pace with population growth,” he said.

“Doing these works now isn’t just opportune while local streets are quieter, it’s also a great way of keeping people employed and money pumping into our local economy.

“Morayfield is one of the fastest growing suburbs in our region and it is important that we have the infrastructure in place to  cater for the expected traffic growth over the next decade.

“Around 13,000 vehicles use this section of road daily, with numbers excepted to double in the next 10 years.

“These upgrades will ease traffic congestion, reduce travel times and improve safety for motorists as well as cyclists, pedestrians and public transport users.

“I’ve made a point about the need to green our region as we grow, so this project will also include over 680 trees to more than compensate for the roadside trees that will unfortunately be lost through the widening.

“Council is also installing 24 nest boxes in nearby parks to provide habitat for the local wildlife including possums, gliders and birds.”

Local Councillor Tony Latter (Div 12) said works are expected to be complete next March.

“These road upgrades are essential to keep our region moving and I want to thank residents for their patience while these works are underway,” Cr Latter said.

“There may be some delays during construction but when the project is finished it will ensure smoother traffic flow and provide easier access in and out of Oakey Flat Road.

“With Division 12 being one of the largest divisions in Moreton Bay, it’s important that residents can travel efficiently and safely, and that’s why we’re investing $13.77 million into road upgrades and maintenance in the 2020/21 Budget for this division.”