Time To End Domestic Violence In Moreton Bay
Published 30 April 2020
The heroes of Australia’s fight against COVID-19 have been our front line healthcare workers, but next month we’re being asked to think about the heroes providing support to people in personal crisis.
May 1 marks the start of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month and Moreton Bay Regional Mayor Peter Flannery said the need to address this issue is more pertinent now than ever before.
“One of the terrible and unintended consequences of social distancing is that there are victims being forced to isolate with perpetrators of violent crimes,” he said.
“We know that Australia’s family courts are overwhelmed with urgent applications right now, which is a crisis separate to coronavirus.
“Domestic and family violence workers across the region are on the front line every day, providing support to people in dangerous personal situations.
“DFV Prevention Month provides a timely reminder that this is one of our greatest community challenges and that we stand against any form of domestic and family abuse.
“That’s why Council has awarded Centre Against Domestic Abuse (CADA) a $10,000 COVID-19 Community Organisation Hardship and Assistance Grant.
“On top of that, this year I will be taking part in CADA’s annual candlelight vigil held to remember those who have lost their lives to domestic and family violence.
“I urge you all to show your support by jumping online at 6:00 PM this Wednesday May 6 through the CADA Facebook page.”
CADA CEO Holly Brennan said sadly, her 50 staff had been flat out since social distancing regulations were introduced and she predicted this could be just the tip of the iceberg.
“Our numbers are staying fairly similar for the moment but we’re seeing more violence and the cases are becoming more complex so we’re very busy,” she said.
“We think that when isolation finishes, we are going to see a big increase in the volume of cases because victims will be able to report their abuse.
“That’s why we’re so grateful for the ongoing support from Council. The grant funding was in our account immediately and we were able to upgrade a lot of our technology to ensure we’re staying on top of the increasing demand.
“Every year we do a remembrance for the mothers, sisters and daughters who have lost their lives to DV. People come and light candles to honour those family members and take the pledge to stand up against DV.
“It’s very moving for those who attend, but this year we’re doing the ceremony on Facebook and we hope everyone across Moreton Bay can join us.”
The service will be streamed on Facebook from 6:00PM May 6 or visit the event listing on Council’s website for more information.
Please visit the Council website for more information on Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
If you are a victim or know someone who is the victim of domestic, family or sexual violence there are a number of agencies you can contact including:
In an emergency call the police on Triple Zero (000).
DVConnect Womensline - 1800 811 811
DVConnect Mensline - 1800 600 636
1800 Respect - 1800 737 732
CADA - (07) 5498 9533