Council confirms commitment to Covid health advice
Published 23 November 2021
Moreton Bay Regional Council has confirmed it will continue to comply with all covid-related Queensland Health directives, including if vaccines are mandated for Councils.
Mayor Peter Flannery said this had been Council’s consistent position throughout the pandemic.
“I absolutely respect that this is a personal choice, but my choice has been to get double vaxed and anytime anyone asks me I encourage them to get vaccinated too because this isn’t about us as individuals it’s about protecting our whole community,” he said.
“It’s thanks to the protection of Queensland’s health directives that we’ve only had seven covid-related deaths here, while there have been around 2000 deaths in Victoria and New South Wales.
“The fact is borders will be reopening on or before December 17 and health officials have warned there will be a significant rise in covid cases when that happens.
“The vaccine is the greatest protection we have.
“Currently there’s no mandate for Council workers and there are no covid-related restrictions on entering Council buildings, but this could change if Queensland follows the lead of other states.
“Our Council is a values-based organisation and we, of course, respect the freedoms of individuals to make their own choices but we need to balance this against the likely risk and impact those choices might have on our wider community.
“So while there is not currently a vaccine mandate in Queensland, if there is a health directive then we will of course comply.”
CEO Greg Chemello said his highest priority was keeping the Moreton Bay community and Council team members safe.
“Over the past two years during this pandemic, we have seen first-hand what communities can do when they come together for the greater good and protect those most vulnerable,” he said.
“We’ve also seen how our actions and choices have the power to benefit or impact those around us.
“We’re seeing fantastic rates of vaccination in other states and as a result, protection and a return to ‘normal’ for communities across Australia who have been dealing with substantial outbreaks.
“It’s now Queensland’s time to do our part, and increase our vaccination rates so we can continue to enjoy the fantastic lifestyle we’ve all worked so hard to protect.”
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