Div 3: ‘Comeback kid’ Caboolture ready to mature
Published 17 June 2022

The 2022-23 Budget is a coming of age moment for the Caboolture and Morayfield area with plenty of key infrastructure and lifestyle upgrades being delivered and planned to protect lifestyle of locals in the face of population growth.
Councillor Adam Hain (Div 3), who previously dubbed Caboolture the comeback kid of South East Queensland, said it’s just about the centre of the SEQ universe now with so much work going on.
“It’s time for the comeback kid to mature and take its place as one of the best places in South East Queensland for people of all ages to move to and enjoy,” he said.
“We have the advantage of having multiple established city centres around Caboolture and Morayfield with the added lifestyle benefits of a country town all rolled into one, but it’s time we brought our infrastructure and recreation facilities up to the standard that locals deserve.
“One of my big-ticket items will be to finally solve the traffic issues around the top of the Morayfield Shopping Centre by totally revamping William Berry Drive and Dickson Street intersection.
“This $3.6 million project over two years includes intersection upgrades, widening of turning lanes, road rehabilitation, pedestrian upgrades and beautification works to make the area much more user friendly.
“And we’re now literally playing for sheep stations with $1.5 million worth of upgrades to Morayfield Skate Park at Sheep Station Creek Park that will be built and completed during the 2022-23 financial year.
“This was once in the top skate facilities in SEQ and it will now be up there in rankings again. It is a great safe place for kids to hang out, socialise and exercise in the heart of Morayfield and with easy access to the Morayfield Station and surrounding schools.
“This is a huge growth corridor booming with young families who are choosing to move, and we want to ensure that there’s plenty of greenspace for them to stretch their legs and grow.
“We are also getting on with major road rehab at Bellmere Road ($1.7 million), Lynfield Drive ($1 million), Henzell Road (900,000), and Riverview Street ($715,000) thanks to funding from the federal government.
“But the biggest news in the local traffic world this year is the brand new $1 million set of lights at the intersection of Torrens Road and River Drive, the residents at Living Gems will be jumping for joy!
“Softball has been a longstanding popular sport in Caboolture, and we are investing $450,000 into Dances Road Sportsgrounds to renew two outfields there with funding from the federal government.
“This budget is about getting down to business in Division 3 and delivering infrastructure, and sports and recreation upgrades to enhance our lifestyle for years to come.”
Budget Highlights for Division 3
- $1.7 million for road rehabilitation at Bellmere Road, Bellmere
- $1.5 million to upgrade Morayfield Skate Park at Sheep Station Creek Park
- $1.5 million for road rehabilitation at Lynfield Drive, Caboolture
- $1 million for road rehabilitation and intersection upgrades at William Berry Drive, Morayfield
- $1 million for intersection upgrades at Torrens Road/River Drive
- $900,000 for road rehabilitation at Henzell Road, Caboolture
- $715,000 for road rehabilitation at Riverview Street, Caboolture
- $450,000 for softball field renewals at Dances Road Sportsgrounds, with contribution from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
- $450,000 to construct a vandal-proof public toilet block in Bluebell Street Park, Caboolture
- $400,000 for active transport upgrades at Morayfield Road, Morayfield, with contribution from the State Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program
Video transcript