Free Resources to Get Ready, Respond and Recover from Disasters

Published 07 June 2021

Get Ready.jpg

Moreton Bay Regional Council has created a collection of free online resources to help residents prepare, respond and recover from disasters.

With bushfire season beginning in August, Mayor Peter Flannery said it was important that locals started preparing now.

“Natural disasters can impact any one of us when they occur, which is why it’s vital that every resident knows how to get ready, respond and recovery from an event,” Mayor Flannery said.

“The natural environment of our region is diverse; it’s what makes Moreton Bay Region a great place to live.

“However, it means that there are parts of our region that are at a greater risk of natural disasters including bushfire and severe weather like flooding and heatwaves. 

“We’ve created a collection of free online and easy to access educational resources that arm locals with the knowledge and skills they need to prepare in case they are faced with an emergency.

“These resources will help increase peoples’ understanding of risks associated with the different types of disasters and introduce handy tools such as Flood Viewer and Council’s free SMS, email and voice alerting system MoretonAlert.

“Education resources have been developed for vocational and community centres and include teacher lesson plans and workbooks, as well as tailored resources for people with disabilities.

“Being prepared can be the difference between life or death in certain situations, which is why these resources also encourage individual responsibility through the uptake of household emergency and evacuation plans.

“Council is committed to building a safer and more resilience community which was demonstrated with our quick and ongoing response and relief to residents facing impacts from the coronavirus pandemic.”

Disaster Management Resources include:

  • Online course detailing disasters relevant to the Moreton Bay Region as well as how to prepare, respond and recover from a natural disaster
  • Teacher guide and workbooks designed to be delivered to a range of students with low literacy levels
  • A range of tools and resources aimed at people with disabilities, service providers and emergency services organisations
  • How to prepare your school to cope with severe weather or natural disasters is to have a plan before it strikes
  • Community service providers are often the first to respond before, during and after a disaster - find out how to plan for business continuity in case of disaster

The creation of these resources has been supported through funding provided by the Get Ready Queensland initiative through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

Find out more information on how to access the education resources.

Image credit: Grit and Courage by Sarah-Jayne Ebsworth. Captured during severe bushfires in Queensland in 2018.