Hairdressers with Hearts keep beating for our communities
Published 06 October 2021
Moreton Bay hairdressers and barbers will now have the information they need to refer their clients to domestic and family violence support services.
Council is partnering with Unitywater to support the Hairdressers with Hearts program through a joint funding arrangement of $10,500* for the 2021-22 financial year.
Mayor Peter Flannery said the program is an innovative way to help tackle a growing community issue of family and domestic violence.
“This all started because a local hairdresser kept hearing distressing stories from her clients about their violence and abuse, so now we’re helping to empower local hairdressers to recognise the signs of domestic violence, respond sensitively and connect clients to professional support services.
“Domestic and family violence and elder abuse is a national epidemic impacting people across all ages, incomes and lifestyles with demand for support services continuing to rise.
“When people are going through difficult situations, it’s not always easy to reach out to talk to others—it can be very daunting.
“Hairdressers and barbers often develop close and trusted relationships with their clients giving them a safe zone to share what’s going on in their lives.
“Being prepared to direct people to the right support can make all the difference, and even save a life”, he said.
Councillor Brooke Savige said hairdressers are in a unique position because of the close relationships they have with their clients and often find themselves on the front line when it comes to dealing with someone experiencing domestic violence at home.
“Council’s support of this initiative demonstrates we not only acknowledge the problems of domestic violence within our region, we are committed to helping address and take a stand against all domestic and family violence”, she said.
In addition to this grant, Council has provided Hairdressers with Hearts $15,600 in funding for training videos, website development, a laptop computer and resource packs for local hairdressers and barbers.
Council is committed to supporting people impacted by family violence. Over the last year we have supported initiatives including the launch of the ‘Recognise and Reach Out’ campaign in November 2020 and ‘Staying Safe’ as part of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
*Joint funding arrangement with Unitywater of $10,500 includes $5,500 from Council and $5,000 from Unitywater.
Find out more information about the services available in Moreton Bay online.