Huge $3.5 million greening project to get underway at The Mill

Published 12 May 2021

The Mill Koala Conservation

With The Mill PDA set to generate $950 million in economic benefit for our region, Council is investing now to keep the heart of the 460-hectare precinct green.

A $3.5 million contract awarded today will see 190,000m3 of specified soil transported to the site to support koala habitat revegetation.

Mayor Peter Flannery said it was a significant cost, reflecting the Council’s commitment to environmental protections in the face of population growth.

“We’ve engaged a soil scientist to develop the soil specification requirements to ensure the material will support the tree species needed on site, so we’re really starting from the ground up to get this right,” he said.

“We will even be measuring tree growth height once they’re planted and also the width of the canopy we create to ensure it’s quality revegetation.

“I want to thank locals in advance for their patience with the amount of work we’ll have underway in this area, in addition to other government road projects.

“The scale and complexity of this rehabilitation project is significant, in fact Timms Haulage Pty Ltd will be trucking materials on site progressively over a full 12-month period.

“It is a requirement under the Federal Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) that Council must plant a minimum of at least 26 hectares for Primary Koala Habitat and a further 74 hectares of land be restored for supplementary Koala habitat .

“We will exceed that requirement with 110-hectares of the 460-hectare precinct dedicated to conservation, koala habitat and recreation areas.”

This tender is an essential part of the Petrie Mill Redevelopment project as it facilitates the revegetation commitments made under the Federal Government’s EPBC Act approval.

Find out more information about The Mill.