Local rally takes a stand against domestic violence

Published 06 June 2024

Man Rally Mayor and Organiser

Council is getting behind the City of Moreton Bay Real Men Rally on Sunday 16 June at the Kayo (Dolphins) Stadium in Redcliffe from 9am to 11am.

The first of its kind locally, the rally is a public call to end the scourge of domestic violence against women, and gives men, who want to be part of the solution, the opportunity to demonstrate their solidarity.

Mayor Peter Flannery said when Clontarf local and community leader Sean Gordon OAM approached him only last month with the idea, he was driven to throw his support being this important initiative.

“We need to send a strong message to the community that domestic violence will not be tolerated,” Mayor Flannery said.

“Too many people are dying. When you hear of, usually a female partner, dying every four days in Australia, that’s horrific.

“Ultimately, through prevention, we can better protect those at risk of becoming victims and make the community stronger.

“This is a tangible way for men - in fact, everyone really - to step forward and make a commitment that they’re going to be accountable for what they do and also what they see other men doing.

“I encourage people to be part of this positive, local community action and join with Council in saying this should not happen in our backyard, or anywhere for that matter.”

Real Men Rally founder Sean Gordon said he wanted to support people with a strong message of prevention.

“We want to highlight the issues locally, we want to encourage men, in particular, to talk about the issue and share their own insights and practical strategies,” Mr Gordon said.

“It’s all about how we can support, empower, and educate ourselves and each other to end violence.

“If people can’t make it on the day, I’d encourage them to be part of the solution and sign the pledge at Sign The Pledge - Real Men Rally”

Sean Gordon has an extensive professional and volunteering career having worked as a school principal, in the corporate sector, as a business owner, SES controller, and these days as a mindset coach and keynote speaker. Sean is the founder and CEO of children’s charity, SchoolAid. He wants to create positive social action and inspire people to focus on the solutions to the problems we face as a community, with education his key tool of choice.


Photo credit: Dominika Lis and Moreton Daily