People Experiencing Homelessness at Suttons Beach

Published 16 February 2025

City of Moreton Bay is aware of disinformation and misinformation about people experiencing homelessness who are camping on public land at Suttons Beach.

Council attended Suttons Beach on Friday to investigate reported breaches of Council’s local laws.

Eight (8) persons were engaged with, four (4) of which were issued compliance notices due to breaches of Council’s local laws.

Some breaches were related to the persons camping within bookable events spaces utilised by local groups and businesses. These persons were requested to relocate to an alternate location not utilised by the community for this purpose. Other compliance notices related to camping with animals, which is prohibited under Council’s local laws.

Council also coordinated the attendance of the Department of Housing’s Critical Response team, to support the connection of persons experiencing homelessness at the location with alternate accommodation and supports.  

The compliance notices are not a move on notice as has been written on some social media pages. Council does not have move on powers.

The imagery of the compliance notices, included in these social posts, itself contradicts these false claims and inaccuracies.

Issuing of compliance notices is business as usual for city councils Australia-wide.

The conflating of Council’s general business, with the very complex issue of homelessness, is disingenuous and does not help people in this difficult situation.

It is the Queensland Government's responsibility to provide safe and appropriate housing as well as homelessness support services, for vulnerable members of our community.

City of Moreton Bay urges the State Government to urgently deliver more crisis accommodation and social housing in City of Moreton Bay.

Not only is there a severe lack of sufficient crisis accommodation and long term social housing in City of Moreton Bay, but there is also inadequate coordinated support for people to better manage their personal health and economic situations.

City of Moreton Bay’s local laws reflect community needs and Council has overwhelming community support for ensuring laws are abided by.

Some matters governed by local law include parking, illegal camping, and barking dogs. The City is also responsible for enforcing some state legislation, such as food hygiene.

Council is on the ground daily supporting people experiencing homelessness and refers these people to the State for support.

An independent report commissioned by Council states that City of Moreton Bay has less social housing dwellings per 10,000 people than Ipswich, Logan and Redland, and ranks only 4th for communities and housing funding per capita, yet we are one of the fastest growing areas of South East Queensland.

City of Moreton Bay has had a 90% increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness in the last decade according to 2021 Census data.

Over the last two years, referrals to Council of people sleeping rough have increased by a staggering 250%.

City of Moreton Bay currently supports people experiencing homelessness by proactively working with individuals to connect them with the Queensland Government Department of Housing and Public Works, and homelessness service providers, who are responsible for providing housing assistance and related services.  Council has employed eight (8) staff to specifically support Council’s response to homelessness. This is generally not in local government’s remit.

City of Moreton Bay has taken a proactive approach, pioneered initiatives and continues to explore options to combat the effects of the national housing crisis.

Initiatives include Council waiving development fees and infrastructure charges in fifteen suburbs for affordable and social housing, offering Council land under a peppercorn lease to community housing providers Bric Housing and Coast2Bay Housing Group Ltd, committed $3.7 million to the new Peninsula Support Hub and supported the Redcliffe Sleepbus.


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