State Government’s Multimillion Dollar Cash Splash to Boost Economy

Published 01 July 2021

Homelessness Hub

Hot on the heels of Moreton Bay Regional Council’s record Budget, the Queensland Government has provided an additional $13.8 million injection through SEQ Community Stimulus Program funding for 24 local projects around the region.

Mayor Peter Flannery said it was a remarkable commitment to the region, with Council edging out competition from other SEQ Councils to secure funding for a new $3 million homelessness hub at Redcliffe and a $1.5 million master plan of Sylvan Beach Esplanade, Bribie Island.

“This is a remarkable initiative from the Palaszczuk Government as an investment in our economy, our lifestyle and also in stepping up to address some of the social challenges we face,” he said.

“There’s no avoiding the impact of a COVID lockdown, so this is a practical way that government can maintain a sense of confidence and optimism about our region’s economic recovery.”

Deputy Premier and Minister for Local Government Steven Miles said the SEQ Community Stimulus Program was part of Queensland’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan and the projects would make a positive impact on communities.

“There’s no doubt these projects will produce enormous benefits by creating employment opportunities and improving liveability across Moreton Bay Region,” Mr Miles said.

“Around 226 jobs will be created or supported through delivering these projects, which is a great result for local families.

“Investing in infrastructure that will improve communities and create local jobs is part of the government’s Economic Recovery Plan.”

Mayor Flannery it was particularly heartening that the State Government had responded to Council’s urgent calls for a Housing and Homelessness Services Hub on the Redcliffe Peninsula to help address statistically higher rates of homelessness.

“This will be a totally new building, home to a suite of services targeted at supporting rough-sleepers by providing them with a warm meal and helping them find accomodation during their most vulnerable time,” Mayor Flannery said.

“When Council rolled out our $37 million COVID stimulus package last year, I said I didn’t want anyone to slip through the cracks. So this support from the State Government is the right kind of investment at the right time, not only as an investment in jobs and our economy and also an investment in the social fabric of our community.

“I’m also buoyed by the support for the beautification of Bribie Island, which has the potential to be a tourism jewel in our crown with more investment.

“Our Bellara Foreshore Master Plan will completely overhaul the Sylvan Beach Esplanade to bring it up to speed and link up with our stunning Bongaree foreshore on the other side of the bridge.

“It’ll include construction of new park facilities including playground, picnic, amenities and upgrade to the existing boardwalk to make the area more useable for locals and tourists.

“This is just a glimpse at two of the 24 projects that will receive $13.8 million worth of support through the State Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.

“I can’t understate the importance of investing in lifestyle infrastructure and community services now, as we’re expecting roughly 240,000 new residents to migrate to Moreton Bay Region over the next 20 years.

“So I’d like to sincerely thank the State Government and our local State MPs who’ve helped secure funding for these homegrown projects that keep locals in jobs and provide the community with the infrastructure we need.”

Find out more information on the Queensland Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program (SEQCSP).

Project Suburb Amount Jobs (FTE) Description
Moreton Bay Housing & Homelessness Services Hub Redcliffe $3 mil 60 This project involves the demolition and redevelopment of the existing Old Pensioners Hall into a combined services centre, with two tenancies to support rough-sleepers and people experiencing homelessness in the Redcliffe peninsula. The first tenancy will include a hall space capable of seating 100 persons as well as a commercial grade kitchen, amenities, storage and shared office space. The second tenancy will include a multipurpose hall space, kitchenette, amenities, and offices.
Bellara Foreshore Improvement Masterplan Bellara $1.5 mil 15 Planning, design and construction of new park facilities at Sylvan Beach Esplanade along underutilised sections of the esplanade.
KR Benson Park, resurfacing netball courts Clontarf $900,000 13.5 Includes renewal of 9 Netball courts and includes detailed design, geotech, removal of the established slabs, construction of new slabs and synthetic surface, fencing and essential sport equipment.
Mazlin Park Upgrade Beachmere $850,000 15 New pathways, picnic settings, BBQ, additional trees and garden beds, retaining walls, interpretive signage & artwork, lighting, canoe launch and wedding deck along the foreshore
Cabbage Tree Creek - Active Transport Improvements Everton Hills $800,000 15 A new 2.5m wide concrete off-street pathway and a bridge crossing over Cabbage Tree Creek. The project will include wayfinding signage, shade trees and lighting.
Rob Akers Reserve Clubhouse Stage 2 Strathpine $650,000 12 Construction of Stage 2 of the AFL Clubhouse and demolition of the existing facility. Specifically, the construction of a club room, food and beverage area, office and outdoor undercover spectator area and external tiered seating.
Bribie Island Sports Complex Renewal Bongaree $554,300 10 Installation of two unisex compliant changerooms, two medical rooms, an umpires’ room, public amenities for game day, and 30 digital lockers for players.
Madeline Drive Missing Link Footpath Morayfield $550,000 10 Construct 1.8km of footpath to complete a missing link along Madeline Drive that will provide a safe pedestrian and active transport link along this road for local residents.
Morayfield Road Active Transport Upgrades Morayfield $500,000 7.5 Further improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians along Morayfield Road by improving pathway connections to the works being carried out by DTMR.
Burpengary Jets Rugby League Burpengary $500,000 9 Upgrade of sports field lighting at the Station Road precinct for the rugby league and installation of CCTV in the Netball and Australian Football precinct at Findlay Street precinct.
Kinsellas Sports Complex, tiered seating and shade North Lakes $450,000 6.75 Detailed design and construction of a spectator viewing deck, bench seats, shaded terraced seating and adjoining accessible ramp from the existing storage facility to the playing fields.
Nolan Park BMX Brendale $450,000 7 Earthworks to establish a base pad for BMX track development (track construction by club), stormwater management, track lighting, car parking, club house, spectator seating, pathways and landscaping.
Freshwater Creek Park Corridor Upgrade Kallangur $330,000 4.9 To improve the appearance, functionality, amenity, connectivity and park equipment within the corridor as a lack of infrastructure has led to underutilisation of the park.
Bluebell Street Park amenities construction Caboolture $320,000 4.8 Construction of a self-locking, vandal proof public toilet with one ambulant unisex cubicle and one unisex accessible cubicle with baby change table.
War Memorial Grounds Soccer Field Lighting Dayboro $320,000 4.5 Construction of new LED sport field lighting infrastructure and electrical infrastructure for the soccer field. The objective of the project is to install lighting to meet the Australian Standard for training and competition.
Ferny Hills Linkwood Rd to Hutton Rd Emergency Access Ferny Hills $300,000 4.5 The upgrade a of a fire trail to allow 2wd emergency vehicle access while maintaining access to other parts of the fire trail network.
Deception Bay Scenic Reserve pathway lighting Deception Bay $294,000 4.4 Installation pathway lighting to illuminate the pathway running parallel with Deception Bay Road.
Lindsay Rd Sports Complex Lighting Upgrade Morayfield $290,000 4.5 New lights will enable multi-use including cricket, hockey and athletics. Design includes pivot steel taper poles, smart switching and include upgrades to existing electrical infrastructure for further upgrades.
Frank Nichols Park Upgrade 2 Warner $280,000 4.3 Construction of new pathways, multi-court, shelter, seating, consolidation of play equipment and additional play elements to provide upgraded recreation and picnic facilities that meet district park requirements.
Hay Road Pathway Construction Dayboro $275,000 4 Construction of a 240m long by 2m wide steel reinforced concrete pathway to create a high quality walking environment and to encourage increased levels of walking in and around Hay Road.
Ogg Rd Pedestrian Crossing & Road Access Improvements Murrumba Downs $212,000 3 To address safety concerns and conflicts at the existing zebra crossing.
Scott St Park & Walk Facility Rothwell $186,200 2.7 Detailed design and construction of a 28-space satellite car parking within a 5 minute walk of Morris Road/Mueller College. The facility will be linked to the existing path network, which leads pedestrians directly to the supervised crossing on Morris Road.
Dohles Rocks Rd Fauna Infrastructure Renewal Murrumba Downs $160,000 2.5 Renewal of fauna exclusion (koala) fencing and associated infrastructures as well as compensatory tree planting in the local green infrastructure network.
Bounty Boulevard SS Park & Walk Facility North Lakes $160,000 2.5 Construction of 50 indented parking bays (using the available verge space) The objective of the project is to encourage remote parking and walking behaviour from students and their parents and to reduce traffic congestion at the school.