Top 6 Projects in the Pipeline for Moreton Bay Region
Published 18 June 2021
Set to surpass the population of Tassie in less than twenty years, Moreton Bay Regional Council is investing big bucks today to provide critical infrastructure before the population boom hits.
From improving connectivity to fostering creativity, more than $220 million is set to be spent over the next four years on six major projects.
- Building a bright future with a $125 million Knowledge and Innovation Precinct

Council is helping to create a bright future for generations to come by committing the first $26.6 million, which will include the planning and feasibility concept, for a potential $125 million Knowledge and Innovation Centre.
Located at The Mill in Petrie, the precinct would accelerate the site’s potential by fostering further education alongside USC and attract key investment industries that will ultimately create local employment.
Part of Council’s long-term economic direction for the region, this project will drive innovation and entrepreneurship to position Moreton Bay Region as one of Australia’s top 10 regional innovation hubs by 2041.
Project planning will get underway in the 2021-22 Financial Year to begin transforming this landmark site of South East Queensland, with efforts to secure State and Federal funding as well as private sector investment.
2. Laying the foundations with Dohles Rocks Connection Road

Great precincts need great connectivity…
Council is investing more than $38 million into welcoming the biggest, brightest and boldest businesses to the region - by creating connectivity!
The proposed Dohles Rocks Connection Road will bring The Mill one step closer to the Bruce Highway, with project planning on the alignment to begin in the 2021-22 Financial Year.
From advancing manufacturing to tech start-ups, the delivery of road infrastructure is an important catalyst to the expansion of The Mill and its ability to attract development and investment.
3. Next stage for the South Pine Sports Complex upgrade

Council’s multi-million-dollar master plan for the South Pine Sports Complex is well and truly underway to revolutionise sport and recreation in the region.
With construction anticipated to start at the end of 2021, the next stage of upgrades will include $17.6 million towards a new state-of-the-art Roar Women’s High-Performance Centre and Youth Academy.
It will feature four lit turf soccer fields, an additional junior clubhouse with up to four change rooms, carparking, access roads, and walking and cycling infrastructure for the community.
This latest injection into the complex is part of the rollout of the 2013 Council endorsed master plan, which has already included the construction of an AFL precinct, cricket precinct, indoor centre expansion, and rugby union and touch football clubhouse facilities.
4. Flood immunity for Youngs Crossing Road

A critical link to the South East Queensland road network, Council will deliver one of their biggest infrastructure projects with a $68 million upgrade to Youngs Crossing Road.
Thanks to funding from the Federal Government, construction will get underway in 2022 to help improve flood immunity and vehicle carrying capacity, ensuring that the 20,000 vehicles travelling along this road daily can do so safely for years to come.
Due to be completed by December 2023, this major transport corridor upgrade is expected to create around 515 jobs in total.
Find out more information about the project visit.
5. Alleviating traffic along Old Gympie Road

With rapid population growth comes greater demand on local roads, which is being particularly felt by drivers along one of the region’s busiest arterial roads.
Broken into stages over the next 10 years to minimise disruptions, Council is planning to invest more than $60 million over the first four years to improve conditions and ease congestion.
Set to increase safety for all road users, sections of the road will double in capacity from two lanes to four lanes, side shoulders widen to make way for on-road cyclists, as well as several intersections upgrades to include traffic lights.
6. Expanding the railway underpass near Dakabin Train Station

Listening to the calls from the community for better safety, Council will be upgrading the railway underpass at Narangba Road and Alma Road.
More than $12 million is set to be spent upgrading the notorious blackspot by installing traffic lights at the intersection of Narangba Road and Alma Road, widening the single-lane rail underpass to accommodate two-way traffic movements, and increasing the vehicle clearance under the rail line to 4.8 metres.
The project also includes on-road bicycle lanes and a designated pathway for pedestrians, from school students to commuters from the train station, on the southern side of the underpass.