Residents urged to update their pet details

Published 03 June 2024

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City of Moreton Bay is calling on cat and dog owners to update their pet information before animal registration renewal notices are issued in late August.

Mayor Peter Flannery highlighted the importance of keeping pet details current.

“Moreton Bay residents love their pets, with over 84,000 cats and dogs registered in our city,” he said.

"Taking a few minutes to update your pet’s details ensures you will receive the correct registration renewal notice and helps keep your animal safe.

“Registered and microchipped pets with up-to-date details have a much better chance of being reunited quickly with their owners if they go missing.

“With City of Moreton Bay’s growing population, there are many new pet owners in the area.

“If you’ve recently moved to our beautiful city, remember that all dogs and cats must be registered within 14 days of moving into the city or by 12 weeks of age.

“Registration fees provide valuable services including lost and found assistance, proof of ownership identification, animal patrols and free first-time release of impounded cats or dogs.”

Registration discounts apply for desexed animals and concessions are available for eligible pet owners, such as pensioners.

Residents can also opt to receive their animal renewal notice by email, ensuring they never miss important information.

Please inform Council if:

  • you have changed address or contact details
  • your pet has passed away or been rehomed
  • your pet has been desexed (a reduced fee may apply)
  • you are now eligible for a pensioner discount, or
  • you would like to receive registration renewal notices by email.

To update your pet’s registration details, visit Council’s website or call 3205 0555.