Proposed amendment - Planning Scheme Policies Amendment No.2

Published 07 August 2023

Proposed Planning Scheme Policies Amendment No. 2 that supports the Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme

In accordance with section 22 of the Planning Act 2016 and Chapter 3, Part 1, section 3 of the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules, City of Moreton Bay provides notice of public consultation on the proposed “Planning Scheme Policies Amendment No. 2” (proposed PSPs amendment) that supports the Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme Version 6, effective from 21 December 2021.

The proposed amendments to the following planning scheme policies are intended to take effect over land across the entire local government area, as relevant:

  • PSP Neighbourhood Design
  • PSP Residential Design
  • PSP Integrated Design (Appendix A - Streets, Roads & Utilities and Appendix D - Landscape design & Street trees).

Whereas, the proposed amendments to the PSP Township Character are intended to only apply to the townships of D’Aguilar, Dayboro, Samford Village, Wamuran and Woodford which are included in the Township zone of the Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme.

The purpose and general effect of the proposed PSPs amendment is to:

  • make consequential changes supporting “Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme Amendment - Major Amendment No. 3 - the Better Housing Amendment” to:
    • PSP Residential design - updated design guidance, standards and specifications for residential development types
    • PSP Neighbourhood design - updated design guidance, standards and specifications supporting development involving reconfiguring a lot and neighbourhood design
    • PSP Integrated Design (Appendix A - Streets, Roads & Utilities and Appendix D - Landscape design & Street trees) - updated design guidance, standards and specifications for development involving laneways, street tree planting and driveway crossovers.
  • provide improved design guidance including individual township character descriptions and imagery for the rural townships of D’Aguilar, Dayboro, Samford Village, Wamuran and Woodford.

Public Consultation Period

The consultation period, during which submissions may be made, for the proposed PSPs amendment is from 7 August 2023 to 4 September 2023.

Access the Proposed Amendment

During the consultation period, any person can view and download the proposed PSPs amendment and supporting information on Council’s Your say Moreton Bay website

Copies are also available to inspect and purchase from Council’s Customer Service Centres during business hours:

  • 220 Gympie Rd, Strathpine
  • 2 Hasking St, Caboolture 
  • 1 Irene St, Redcliffe.


Any person may make a submission to Council about any aspect of the proposed PSPs amendment.

A properly made submission must:

  • be signed by each person making the submission
  • be received by Council before midnight on 4 September 2023
  • state the full name and residential or business address of each person making the submission
  • state the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds
  • state a postal or electronic address for service relating to the submission (e.g. for any response) for each person making the submission
  • be made to City of Moreton Bay.

Submissions can be lodged:

  • online at Your say Moreton Bay website
  • by email to
  • by mail to City of Moreton Bay, PO Box 159, Caboolture, QLD, 4510 
  • in person at any of Council’s Customer Service Centres:
    • 220 Gympie Road, Strathpine
    • 2 Hasking Street, Caboolture
    • 1 Irene Street, Redcliffe.

While background material and other supporting documents form part of the material made available for inspection and purchase, it is the responsibility of each person to satisfy themselves as to the effect of the proposed amendment on their interests.


For enquiries or further information about the proposed PSPs amendment:

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