Register your cat or dog online
All dogs and cats must be registered by 12 weeks of age or within 14 days of being brought into City of Moreton Bay, per the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 and Animal Management Local Law 2023.
Under local law, the number of animals you can keep on your property depends on your property's size. Learn more about the requirements for keeping animals.
To minimise impacts on koala habitat, the law does not allow dogs at particular properties in Desmond Street, Samuel Way and Steven Court, Narangba.
If you qualify for a registration or fee exemption, you must still complete an online animal registration application.
To find fees for cat and dog registrations for the current financial year, refer to our fees and charges.
Pay your registration renewal
Council issues renewal notices for cat and dog registrations in early September. The payment due date is 30 September. If you do not pay by the due date the registration will lapse, and your animal will be unregistered. This may result in an infringement notice being issued.
To pay your renewal you will need your reference number from the 'Payment options' section of your renewal notice. The outstanding balance will show after entering your reference number.
Pay your registration renewal
How to locate your reference number
Your reference number is located in the 'Payment options' section of your renewal notice.

If changes are required to your renewal if you've relocated or no longer have a pet, or to have a concession applied, update your pet’s details.
If you haven’t received your renewal notice or need a copy, lodge a request online.
Register a new cat or dog
The registration period for cats and dogs is from 1 October to 30 September. Only one person over the age of 18 years can register an animal under their name.
Before you start, make sure you have all the information you need, including your pet's microchip details and desexing certificate.
If concession fees apply, you will need to supply your supporting documents as individual PDF or JPEG files. You will upload these into the online form.
Payment must be made by MasterCard or Visa at the time of registration. We will email you an animal registration notice.
Register a new cat or dog
If you need help or are unable to complete the application online, contact Council.
Inspection program for unregistered cats and dogs
A public notice has been issued advising residents that the city is conducting inspections for unregistered cats and dogs. Find out more about the approved systematic inspection program.