Information on building approvals, compliance, plans, drainage, and more.
Various services and tools to assist you in lodging a development application.
Understand the development assessment process both before and after a development application has been lodged.
Track the progress of development applications from lodgement through to decision.
Council adopted a new Charges Resolution effective from 1 July 2022.
Check details about your zone and precinct, view overlay maps for your property and access links to helpful information sheets.
The MBRC Planning Scheme, Mango Hill Infrastructure Development Control Plan and The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA.
Information resources on plumbing works, inspections, approvals, and more.
A variety of property searches/inspections for buying and selling a property, planning certificates or licensed food premises.
Moreton Bay is one of Australia's fastest growing areas. View plans, projects and investigations underway to reshape town planning for growth.
Remission of development application fees, building and plumbing fees and infrastructure charges for community and charitable groups.
Council has prepared and adopted a set of engineering standard drawings for use in the region.
Council has developed non-statutory design guidelines to assist anyone building a home.
Council is committed to maintaining healthy natural environments. To help achieve this goal, Council has established an erosion and sediment control program.
A range of different development types may need to address flood risks. Plan with our flood check development report and the Moreton Bay Planning Scheme.