The pre-lodgement process is to facilitate properly-made applications to enable a quicker decision process for applicants. Through the pre-lodgement advice process, identified matters can be discussed and considered prior to lodging a development application.
The two types of pre-lodgement advice requests are General or Detailed.
General advice
This type of request is for applicants who are intending to lodge a development application with Council and seek confirmation on matters such as:
- site-specific planning interpretation, i.e. category of development and assessment
- confirmation of applicable codes the potential application will be assessed against
- responses to specific questions where sufficient detail is provided.
Note: this is not suitable for liquor licensing or checks for accepted development subject to requirements.
This type of advice can usually be provided through a written response from council.
Detailed advice
This type of request is for an applicant to discuss in detail, matters regarding a proposed development proposal and engage in collaborative assessment prior to the formal lodgement of a development application.
Applicants are required to provide proposal plans (to an assessable standard) detailed assessment of relevant codes and a list of specific questions highlighting areas of concern (i.e. what performance outcomes you are seeking).
This type of request will usually result in a formal meeting.