Road names

Selection, approval and registration

To ensure road names are selected, managed and controlled in a consistent manner, developers are required to provide names for all new roads created as part of developments.

Road name applications(PDF, 330KB) should also include:

  • road layout plan (including any future road extensions)
  • new roads shown on the plan should be numbered 1, 2, 3 etc for identification to match the names as suggested.

The approved new road names are to be shown on the engineering drawings when these are submitted to Council for approval.

Council may select any name submitted by the applicant or may select such other names as it deems appropriate. Refer to Council's Policy on the Allocation of Road Names and Street Address Numbers(PDF, 192KB).

Council maintains a road register in which it records the reasons for the selection of each road name for historical purposes. 

Lodging a Road name application

  • Sign in to Moreton Bay Online Services (Instructions)
  • Go to 'Enquiries'
  • Search for the 'Development - Other Development Related Matters or Matters Related to Existing Development Approvals' enquiry and select 'Start' to begin the process

When uploading documents to your application, select the attachment type of 'Submitted by applicant'.

Lodge an application

Selecting road names

Applicants must submit two suggested names for each road and provide reasons for the choice, giving attention to the below preferred categories:

  • names of historic significance
  • names of families who have had a long association with the locality or pioneers of the area
  • names of service personnel from the area who have died serving Australia
  • names of respected community members of considerable service
  • notable or eminent persons within local and wider community
  • follow a theme throughout the estate, e.g. famous people, colours, mountains
  • suitable names of flora or fauna species found in the locality
  • landscape or physical forms
  • Australiana
  • Indigenous history, peoples or culture.

The following would not be supported by Council:

  • names that are difficult to pronounce or very long
  • names that are difficult to spell
  • hyphenated words or contain abbreviations
  • plural or possessive in nature
  • names that may offend or be seen to be offensive. 

Council can provide advice or assistance with road name selection if required and can research historic details of a property or local area to provide options such as names of first settlers in the area. 

Road name designations

The first column lists the road name designation type. The second column provides its description.

Designation Description
Avenue A broad roadway usually planted on each side with trees.
Boulevard A wide roadway, well paved, usually ornamented with trees and grass plots.
Circuit A roadway enclosing an area
Close A short enclosed roadway
Court A short enclosed roadway
Crescent A crescent or half-moon shaped roadway
Drive A wide thoroughfare allowing a steady flow of traffic without many cross streets
Esplanade A level roadway often along the seaside or a waterway
Lane A narrow way between walls, buildings, etc or a narrow country or city roadway
Parade A public promenade or roadway which has good pedestrian facilities along the side
Place A short sometimes narrow enclosed roadway
Road An open way or public passage for vehicles, persons and animals, a roadway forming a means of communication between one place and another
Street A public roadway in a town, city or urban area, especially a paved thoroughfare with footpaths and buildings along one or both sides
Terrace A roadway usually with houses on either side raised above the road level
Way An accessway between two streets