In accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017 a local government is required to keep a register of all of the infrastructure charges levied by Council. The current register will be updated monthly as of 1 January 2020. Refer to Infrastructure Charge Register(XLSX, 718KB) for details.
An Infrastructure Charges Notice is issued with a development approval. You can view specific development application details, including Infrastructure Charges Notices issued, using Council's online planning system - DA Tracker.
Additional trunk infrastructure information
The trunk infrastructure information and infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure reports are published in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017.
This information is available on the following links:
The reports include:
- quarterly update on trunk infrastructure supplied by the local government and developers.
- annual update of infrastructure charges revenue collected and expended.
- annual update of forecast infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure.
- actual infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure for the previous financial year.
- quarterly update on trunk infrastructure supplied by the local government and developers.
Infrastructure charges are collected in monetary form and in non-cash form as trunk infrastructure which is provided by a developer in lieu of paying the levied infrastructure charge.
In some instances, infrastructure charges that are levied are not collected by the local government for example, no charge is collected if the development approval lapses.
Under the Planning Act 2016, infrastructure charges revenue that is collected in monetary form, is not required to be spent in the same suburb or locality as the land to which the corresponding development approval relates.
Infrastructure charges revenue may be used to pay for regional scale infrastructure of any type.
Provisions under the Planning Act 2016, allow for the cost of infrastructure to be provided under a condition of development (for example, the construction of an arterial road) to be offset against the infrastructure charge that would otherwise be payable. In some instances, a part payment will still need to be made, while in others a refund will be given.
Trunk infrastructure - fact sheet(PDF, 2MB)