Next Generation Neighbourhoods
Moreton Bay is one of Australia’s fastest growing urban regions with its population forecast to grow by over 40 percent by 2036. To cater for this growth the General Residential Zone - Next Generation Neighbourhood Precinct was established and was mirrored in the Emerging Community Zone - Transition Precinct, as part of the MBRC Planning Scheme in 2016.
These precincts were established based on the population growth targets from the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031, directions under the State Planning Policy and City of Moreton Bay's Housing Needs Assessment study 2011(PDF, 1MB).
The Housing Needs Assessment recommended that the city's housing needed to be more diverse by providing more housing options, particularly smaller housing options. Similar studies have shown that a diversity of housing options can:
- give people more choice of different housing types in a location they want to be in
- match housing options to different stages of life (for singles, young families, inter-generational families, single parent families, older people and more)
- provide a range of housing options to suit different budgets, and
- help accommodate population growth in a more compact and efficient settlement pattern, allowing people to live closer to services and employment opportunities, and reducing urban sprawl and associated impacts on the regional environmental and landscape values.
Next Generation Neighbourhoods are intended to accommodate a diversity of housing options from small lot detached houses, to duplexes, to townhouses and apartments to provide the desired diversity of housing.
The Next Generation Neighbourhood and Transition Precincts are located throughout Moreton Bay with a focus on areas that use land and infrastructure efficiently. To check if your property is within these Precincts visit Data Hub and select MBRC Planning Scheme: Zones and Overlays.
More information: Next Generation Neighbourhood Review.