Council's customer service centres will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
The Environmental management and conservation zone covers areas of significant ecological and biological value, areas that have high-value vegetation and areas that provide key wildlife breeding and refuge. The Environmental management and conservation zone includes mountain ranges, forests and waterways. The significant majority of these areas are held in public ownership.
There are no precincts in the Environmental management and conservation zone.
A limited range of uses are expected in the Environmental management and conservation zone, including:
Assessment benchmarks (requirements) for development (material change of use) in the Environmental management and conservation zone can be found in Part 6, section 6.2.4 Environmental management and conservation zone code.
Refer to Part 5 of the planning scheme to determine the category of development and assessment (type of application required, if any) for development in the Environmental management and conservation zone. Section 5.5.4 Environmental management and conservation zone Table of assessment identifies the category of development and assessment for a material change of use.
Assessment benchmarks for reconfiguring a lot in the Environmental management and conservation zone can be found in Part 9 section Reconfiguring a lot code, Environmental management and conservation zone.