MBRC Planning Scheme - Industry zone
The Industry zone provides for business and employment opportunities in manufacturing, transport and storage, communication and wholesale trade. The Industry zone caters for a range of low, medium and high impact activities and service trades. The zone is generally located on major transport routes throughout the region.
What is the purpose of this zone?
- Provide for a range of service, low, medium and high impact industrial and service trades uses in appropriate locations
- Ensure industrial uses operate in accordance within acceptable environmental standards and with minimal impact on surrounding uses
- Allow limited non-industrial and business uses only that support industrial activities and do not compromise the region’s activity centre network or the ability of land to be used for industrial purposes in the future
Planning Scheme example of a zoning map
Industry zone
Industry zone precincts
All land in the Industry zone is included in one of five precincts. Zone precincts provide greater clarity about the types of development intended in a particular location. These precincts are:
- Mixed industry and business precinct - a mix of low impact industry and associated commercial uses including low impact industry, limited medium impact industry, office, hardware and trade supplies, research and technology industry, warehouse, service industry, limited outdoor sales and small food and drink outlets.
- Light industry precinct - a range of low impact and low intensity industrial and business uses including low impact industry, research and technology industry, warehouse, small food and drink outlets, bulk landscape and agricultural supplies stores, service station and outdoor sales.
- General industry precinct - a range of industrial uses requiring locations that are sufficiently separated from more sensitive areas. This includes medium impact industry, research and technology industry, warehouse, small food and drink outlets, bulk landscape and agricultural supplies stores.
- Restricted industry precinct - a range of high impact and hard to locate industrial uses requiring locations that are separated from more sensitive areas. This includes high impact industry and medium impact industry.
- Marine industry precinct - waterfront-based industry and associated commercial activities that require direct access to a waterway and Moreton Bay. This includes marine industry, landing, port services, aquaculture, and small food and drink outlets.
What can I expect to see in this zone?
Expected uses in this zone vary depending on the precinct, but generally include:
- a range of industrial uses consistent with the purpose of the precinct
- new buildings that incorporate:
- visual design elements to add interest to the streetscape and reduce bulky appearance
- crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles.
- no residential uses, with the exception of caretaker’s accommodation
- non-industrial uses limited to those that support industrial activities and their employees
- no provision, other than on existing sites, is made for new special industry uses in the Industry Zone e.g. tanneries, rendering plants, oil refineries, waste incineration and manufacturing fertilisers
- development avoids areas subject to a constraint, limitation, or valuable natural value or resource
- provisions in relation to building height, building setbacks, lighting, hazardous chemicals and other matters seek to maintain health and safety, and avoid impacts on nearby non-industrial uses and the environment.
More information
Assessment benchmarks (requirements) for development (material change of use) in the Industry zone can be found in Part 6, section 6.2.7 Industry zone code. Refer to Part 5 of the planning scheme to determine the category of development and assessment (type of application required, if any) for development in the Industry zone. Section 5.5.7 Industry zone Table of assessment identifies the category of development and assessment for a material change of use. Assessment benchmarks for reconfiguring a lot in the Industry zone can be found in Part 9, section Reconfiguring a lot code, Industry zone.