MBRC Planning Scheme - Mapping datasets

Flood Check property report

Bushfire hazard | Coastal hazard (Storm tide inundation) | Coastal hazard (Erosion prone area) | Environmental areas | Flood hazard | Landslide hazard | Overland flow path | Riparian and wetlands setback

Overlay map - Bushfire hazard

The Bushfire hazard overlay map only impacts your property if:

  • it is identified in the mapping,
  • the zone code includes bushfire hazard provisions; and
  • you wish to develop.

The overlay map is sourced from the Queensland Government's Public Safety Business Agency. For information on the mapping methodology, please refer to the State Government's bushfire hazard area mapping fact sheet.

As the information on this overlay map is provided by the State Government, Council will not be amending this map without agreement from the State. Requests to change this map will be forwarded to the Public Safety Business Agency.

Overlay maps - Coastal hazard (Storm tide inundation)

The Coastal hazard (Storm tide inundation) overlay map is based on the latest storm tide information available to Council and does not include the effects of climate change. This includes areas of High and Medium storm tide inundation.

The storm tide inundation risk areas have been mapped using information on the depth and velocity of sea water as the frequency of inundation during storm tide events.

When determining the Coastal planning area boundary and extent of the Balance coastal planning area, the effects of climate change have been considered.

Overlay maps - Coastal hazard (Erosion prone area)

The Coastal hazard (Erosion prone area) overlay map shows all land subject to coastal erosion. This mapping is based on information dated 21 January 2015 and does not reflect the new erosion prone areas which were declared on 8 July 2015. The majority of erosion prone areas are still located within Council's coastal planning area and are therefore subject to assessment against the Coastal hazard overlay code.

If you are unsure as to whether your property is identified in an erosion prone area you can undertake a property report by visiting The Department of Environment & Heritage Protection's request a coastal hazard map.

Council's coastal hazard information sheet should be consulted prior to making a request to change mapping.

Overlay map - Environmental areas

The environmental areas overlay map shows, where spatially possible, high value environment matters of State or local significance which are to be protected from development impacts. The mapping has been derived from both State Government mapping and Council environmental studies.

For information on the composition of the overlay map, please refer to Appendix 1 of the Planning Scheme Policy - Environmental Areas and Corridors.

Requests to change the mapped extent of Matters of State Environmental Significance - High value areas should be made to the relevant State Government agency. Requests to make, amend or revoke a koala habitat area should be made in accordance with Section 7C of the Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2017.

Flood Check property reports

In accordance with the State Planning Policy and the recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry, local governments are required to identify areas where there is a potential flood risk and include these in their planning scheme.

The Flood Check Property Report provides information from Council's Regional Flood Database relating to flood, tide and/or storm tide behaviour that may affect a property. It is a valuable resource for home owners and potential property purchasers, to better understand the potential flood risks that currently exist. This information may also prove beneficial when preparing a flood emergency plan or applying for flood insurance.

The Flood Check Development Report is relevant for planning new building and/or development works on a flood affected property. The report provides information about the Defined Flood Event (DFE), freeboard, and the Flood Planning Levels that apply, and is a valuable resource to better understand flood related development controls.

The maps in the Flood Check reports illustrate flood behaviour. The risks associated with the flood behaviour are documented in the flood and coastal hazard overlays (described above).

Overlay map - Flood hazard

Flood risk areas are based on the latest flood information available to Council and do not include consideration of the effects of climate change.

Flood estimates are prepared using computer-based models that are able to calculate where water will flow when it escapes from a watercourse or low point. The High and Medium Risk areas have been mapped by considering the depth and velocity of water as well as the frequency of inundation.

When determining the Flood planning area boundary and extent of the Balance flood planning area, the effects of climate change have been considered.

Council's flood hazard information sheet and Planning Scheme Policy - Flood Hazard, Coastal Hazard and Overland Flow(PDF, 134MB) should be consulted prior to making a request to change mapping.

Overlay map - Landslide hazard

Landslide hazard areas identified on the overlay map reflects land with slopes of 15% and greater. A recent and detailed plan of the site showing site levels and slopes (contours) will be required to justify a request to change this overlay map.

Overlay map - Overland flow path

The overland flow path overlay map identifies the route taken by stormwater as it concentrates during a rainfall event and makes its way downslope. It can vary in width, depth and velocity depending on the shape of the topography. Overland flow paths can also be affected by blockage, the capacity of underground drainage infrastructure and alteration of the ground surface through natural or man-made influences.

These flows often cause a lot of unnecessary community stress and damage during storm events that can be reduced through improved public awareness of the risk when making land use decisions.

Areas at risk of overland flow are mapped based on data derived from landform assessments and hydraulic modelling of catchments in the City. Technical reports, in accordance with the Planning Scheme Policy - Flood Hazard, Coastal Hazard and Overland Flow(PDF, 134MB) may be required to justify a request to change this overlay map.

Overlay map - Riparian and wetlands setbacks

Under the State Government's State Planning Policy, Councils are required to identify areas of riparian and wetland values. These areas are generally located along the City's major river and creek systems. The intent of the overlay map and its associated requirements is to regulate any new development that may encroach or impact areas of identified value.

Council has utilised its stream reaches dataset to determine the riparian and wetland setbacks. The stream reaches dataset classifies waterways based on their importance across the catchment network.