Council's customer service centres will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
The Strategic framework outlines the 20-year vision for growth and development in Moreton Bay. It divides the City into 13 place types. These place types explain the level of growth and form of development that is expected in different neighbourhoods and communities throughout Moreton Bay. Mountain Ranges, Forests and Waterways is one of these 13 place types.
The Mountain Ranges, Forests and Waterways place type consists of protected areas, private lands (more than 80 per cent forested), ridge lines and steep slopes, council and state managed natural reserves, as well as flood plains associated with waterways.
The majority of areas are located along the western edge of Moreton Bay. This includes:
Other important locations include Bribie Island, Lake Samsonvale and Lake Kurwongbah.
These areas provide protection for Moreton Bay’s natural environment and drinking water supply catchments. As a result, it is important the integrity, condition and function of the biodiversity and ecological processes within these areas are protected into the future.