Council's customer service centres will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
Up to 50 percent of City of Moreton Bay land can be found in the Rural zone, which is characterised by productive farmland, scattered housing and natural areas. The Rural zone is generally located outside existing urban areas and comprises land with widely varying lot sizes. The State Government’s South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 imposes restrictions on development in the Rural zone, limiting subdivision to minimum lot sizes of 100 hectares.
Some areas within the Rural zone may be included in one of five precincts. Zone precincts provide greater clarity about the types of development intended in a particular location. These precincts are:
Possible uses in the Rural zone include:
Assessment benchmarks (requirements) for development (material change of use) in the Rural zone can be found in Part 6, section 6.2.10 Rural zone code.
Refer to Part 5 of the planning scheme to determine the category of development and assessment (type of application required, if any) for development in the Rural zone. Section 5.5.10 Rural zone Table of assessment identifies the category of development and assessment for a material change of use. Assessment benchmarks for reconfiguring a lot in the Rural zone can be found in Part 9, section Reconfiguring a lot code, Rural zone.