Planning scheme maps
The MBRC Planning Scheme includes PDF maps that show where the provisions of the planning scheme apply across the region. The Planning Scheme PDF maps are predominantly based on cadastral (property) boundary information from 2016. Any changes to property boundaries that have occurred since 2016 will not be visible on the Planning Scheme PDF maps, with the exception of:
- the Local Government Infrastructure Plan - Plans for Trunk Infrastructure maps, which use property boundary information from July 2021
- The Zones and precincts maps, which uses property boundary information from September 2024.
View the Planning Scheme PDF maps.
The maps can be viewed as interactive maps, which allow you to search a property and navigate the maps, change scales and move around the region. The interactive maps are regularly updated based on the most recent cadastral (property) boundary information and therefore some of the information may not be consistent with the Planning Scheme PDF maps. Where there is an inconsistency between the interactive maps and the Planning Scheme PDF maps, the Planning Scheme PDF maps prevail.
You can also view the Planning Scheme maps that affect a particular property by using My Property Look Up.
The current version of the Planning Scheme, including Planning Scheme maps, contains amendments made since its initial commencement on 1 February 2016. Amendments made to the Planning Scheme since it was adopted are detailed under Planning Scheme Amendments.
View superseded and historical versions of Planning Scheme maps.
Interactive maps
Mapping data
Datasets for the MBRC Planning Scheme can be freely downloaded in a variety of formats via Council's Datahub.
Planning Scheme PDF maps
Strategic framework maps
- Green Infrastructure Network(PDF, 2MB)
- Regional Settlement Pattern(PDF, 551KB)
- Regional Infrastructure(PDF, 495KB)
- Regional Planning Areas(PDF, 768KB)
- Place Types - Caboolture Planning Area(PDF, 885KB)
- Place Types - North Lakes - Redcliffe - Moreton Bay Rail Corridor Planning Area(PDF, 983KB)
- Place Types - Strathpine Planning Area(PDF, 562KB)
- Place Types - Coastal Communities & Bribie Island Planning Area(PDF, 211KB)
- Place Types - Rural Planning Area(PDF, 392KB)
- Allocation of place types(PDF, 2MB)
Zone map
Local plan detail maps
Overlay maps
Local Government Infrastructure Plan maps
Council provides this information as a general reference source only and has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the information in this web site is as accurate as possible at the time of publication. However, the Council makes no representation and gives no warranty about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of the information. To the full extent that is able to do so in law. Council disclaims all liability, (including liability in negligence), for losses and damages, (including indirect and consequential loss and damage), caused by or arising from anyone using or relying on this information for any purpose whatsoever.