Historic design manual

These standard drawings and development guidelines apply to works undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the individual planning schemes (Pine Rivers, Caboolture and Redcliffe) that existed prior to the 2008 amalgamation of City of Moreton Bay. 

They are only to be used for Development works undertaken prior to the introduction of the new Moreton Bay Regional Council planning scheme on 1 February 2016.

An updated list of MBRC standard drawings has been adopted for Construction Works (non-development) undertaken on behalf of Council. Council also uses the NATSPEC standard engineering specifications.

Design and development guidelines contain Council's design standards for roadworks, stormwater drainage, water supply and sewerage works.


Caboolture design and development manual:

Pine Rivers - design standards

Descriptive text to assist designers / engineers / developers to meet the requirements for the design of roadworks (subdivision and other works), stormwater drainage systems and stormwater quality requirements, reticulated water supply networks and sewerage systems.

All Design Guidelines have been revised for use from 14 March 2008.

Part 1 Roadworks

Part 2 Stormwater drainage works

Part 3 Water supply works

Part 4 Sewerage works

Pine Rivers - design guidelines

Covering such topics such as roundabouts, engineering drawings, as constructed drawings, local area traffic management, pavement design, recreation trails (planning, construction, maintenance), landscape construction (on road reserves, parks and drainage reserves) and on-site carparking and service vehicle facilities.

Guidelines have been revised for use from 14 March 2008.


Guidelines DG 03 has been renamed to 'as constructed information', and differs from the previous version:

  • A general change of emphasis from as constructed drawings to on of as constructed information, including drawings and asset information.
  • Requires developers and consultants to provide ADAC compatible as constructed documentation of civil infrastructure for their projects using the latest ADAC schema, and establishes the format of how this information is to be provided. This is a change from Council having an option of requesting this information.
  • As Constructed electronic DWG files are to be provided for all project drawings - again instead of this being optional.
  • Electronic and ADAC drawings are to be certified as for hard copy drawings. Rejection of unsuitable files is as for hard copy drawings.
  • A number of other minor format and presentation changes are made in design guideline DG 03 for consistency with the ADAC change.
  • Note - hard copy drawings are still required.

Guideline DG 02 includes new references to ADAC to continue a connection between the preparation of design plans and the supply of project As Constructed information using the ADAC format. The title page is also changed due to the renaming of DG 03. Guidelines DG 01, 04, 05, 06, T10 and T11 only have changes to their title page due to renaming of DG 03.

Pine Rivers - standard drawings

Showing requirements for elements of civil construction works for roadworks, industrial access, stormwater drainage, water supply, sewerage, traffic control, parks / landscape works and miscellaneous works.

The standard drawings listed apply to development works undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the individual planning schemes (Pine Rivers, Caboolture and Redcliffe) that existed prior to the 2007 amalgamation to form Moreton Bay Regional Council.

 An updated list of standard drawings has been adopted for construction works (non-development) undertaken on behalf of Council.

Pine Rivers - standard specifications

Council has adopted a set of regionally modified Aus-Spec Construction Specifications for the majority of roadworks, stormwater drainage, sewerage and water supply.

All Design Guidelines have been revised for use from 14 March 2008. Copies are available for download from design guidelines.

Aus-spec asset owner specifications (roadworks & drainage)

Aus-spec development construction specifications (roadworks & drainage)

PRSC 100 Series - Roadworks

Brisbane City Council Specifications

Main Roads Specifications

PRSC 400 Series - water supply

PRSC 500 Series - Sewerage


The standard drawings listed here apply to Development Works undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the individual planning schemes (Pine Rivers, Caboolture and Redcliffe) that existed prior to the 2007 amalgamation to form Moreton Bay Regional Council.

An updated list of MBRC standard drawings has been adopted for Construction Works (non-development) undertaken on behalf of Council.