Council's customer service centres will be closed on Monday, 27 January for the Australia Day public holiday.
The development and use of land in the North Lakes locality, as identified on the MBRC Planning Scheme zone map, is controlled by the precinct plans and sector plans approved in accordance with the provisions of the Mango Hill Infrastructure Development Control Plan (DCP).
Any development must comply with the design and siting requirements included in these documents. These requirements will need to be read and satisfied prior to any building works.
The precinct plan outlines the intents and performance criteria to be complied within the development of the sector.
The Mango Hill Infrastructure DCP provides for the creation of a sector within a precinct. Each sector plan provides the code of development for the land in the sector and outlines the acceptable solutions which, if satisfied by the development will in turn achieve the requirements of the precinct plan.
Each sector plan document contains sector plan context, general desired environmental outcomes, planning intent, development and landscape concept, land use rights, development requirements, design and siting guidelines, infrastructure obligations of the principal developer, assessment of compliance with precinct plan performance criteria and definitions.
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Development Control Plan - planning applications
Applications within the Development Control Plan are required to be made in accordance with the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA). For a full list IPA forms, guidelines and implementation notes, refer to Development Control Plan application forms.