Sector Plan 043-3000 - Town Centre Frame 'O' Sector Three

Sector Plan 043-3000(PDF, 2MB)

FiguresDrawing numberDated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 384KB)TCFOSectorFig1February 2010
2 - Cadastral Boundaries(PDF, 419KB)TCFLSectorFig2February 2010
3 - Precinct Plan Map(PDF, 329KB)TCFLSectorFig3February 2010
4 - Sector Plan Map(PDF, 438KB)TCFLSectorFig4February 2010
5 - Sector Landscape Plan(PDF, 444KB)TCFLSectorFig5February 2010
6 - Indicative Plan of Subdivision(PDF, 391KB)TCFLSectorFig6February 2010
7 - Road Layout(PDF, 217KB)TCFLSectorFig7February 2010
8 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 349KB)TCFLSectorFig8February 2010
9 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 306KB)TCFLSectorFig9February 2010
Metes and Bounds(PDF, 72KB)