Precinct Plan 048 - Town Centre Frame Public Transport ‘C’

Planning intent

Clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of the DCP provide an outline of the planning intent for activities, community infrastructure and structural elements such as the transport system. Clause 5.3 provides an outline of the development character to be achieved particularly in relation to built form, streetscape and functional relationships.

Clause 10.3 of the DCP provides an outline of the development intent for the public transport network including bus services and a public transport transit centre. The development intent identifies that the public transport network requires high quality public transport services to achieve their functional potential. To this end current “state of the art” transport services and facilities are anticipated to be developed. Transport policy initiatives to deliver:
(i) “whole of journey” approach to active transport planning to deliver a connected network of safe on and off road active transport facilities including provision of end of trip facilities with secure bicycle parking and showers in town centres and at public transport stations;

(ii) High-frequency Urban link bus and rail services where passengers can “turn up and go”;

(iii) Increased walking and cycling to public transport will expand the coverage of sustainable transport options right to the door;

are supported and strongly encouraged as planning goals and development outcomes.

Clause 4.17 of the MHIA 1999 (QT and Principal Developer) provides for the dedication of land to DTMR to facilitate development of a PTI and P and R Facility.

Precinct plan

Precinct Plan 048(PDF, 54KB)

FiguresDrawing numberDated
1 - Planning Context(PDF, 162KB)MCPCPrecinctFig1January 2011
2 - Structure Plan Context(PDF, 212KB)MCPCPrecinctFig2January 2011
3 - Precinct Plan Map(PDF, 79KB)MCPCPrecinctFig3January 2011
4 - Landscape Concept Plan Map(PDF, 176KB)MCPCPrecinctFig4January 2011
5 - Road Layout(PDF, 121KB)MCPCPrecinctFig5January 2011
6 - Water Supply Headworks(PDF, 167KB)MCPCPreinctFig6January 2011
7 - Sewerage Headworks(PDF, 127KB)MCPCPrecinctFig7January 2011