The UAELI is part of the "Reshaping our Region’s Planning" Portfolio and is the first foundational "strategic policy" investigation completed that will inform preparations for a new planning scheme. The investigation will also support implementation of the Regional Economic Development Strategy (2020-41).
The primary focus of the investigation was to understand and clarify how the region is tracking against the State interest benchmark to ensure an Effective Supply of at least 15-years of Industry zoned land that is able to be serviced. The investigation also analysed how the region’s industrial and knowledge-based employment lands (in urban areas) have been used and are likely to be used in the future.
A key requirement of the UAELI was to analyse the supply and demand situation for the five types of industrial development areas or precincts within the Industry Zone, being:
- Light Industry
- Mixed Industry and Business Area (MIBA)
- General Industry (GI)
- Restricted Industry
- Marine Industry.
The key findings from the UAELI report include:
- Council’s planning for its existing zoned "Industrial" land and "Mixed Industry and Business Areas" (MIBA) currently meets the State benchmark to ensure an “effective supply” of a minimum of 15-years of industry zoned land that is able to be serviced, for the current planning scheme (to 2031).
- If growth monitoring shows that the remaining "effective supply" of industry zoned land continues to be used at higher than average historic rates, as has been trending in the last few years, or used for alternative uses, Council may fall below the required 15-years "effective supply" benchmark during the life of the current planning scheme.
- Within the "effective supply" framework, Elimbah East and North East Business Park are the only greenfield locations that could support new large-scale industrial estates for General Industry (GI) and MIBA respectively. The current reliance on these two areas is a "eggs in one basket" risk and Council should commence a process to identify potential additional GI and MIBA supply options.
- Notwithstanding the above, to meet the State benchmark, Council will need to identify additional GI (and likely also MIBA) supply options as part of its new planning scheme. The timing and amount of land required will be related to the future rates at which the "effective supply" of industrial land is developed, and how this land is used.