The Mill PDA - Protecting the environmental values
The Federal Government's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) specifically protects matters of national environmental significance, including nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places.
In accordance with the EPBC Act, Council referred the proposed action to the Federal Government who deemed it to be a "controlled action". They completed a full assessment of the proposed action and provided approval, with conditions in September 2017.
As part of the approval conditions, Council was required to develop a Koala Management Plan and is required to undertake revegetation and enhancement of environmental corridors on the site.
Revegetation and enhancement
More than 110 hectares will be conserved across the site for wildlife and environmental corridors. As depicted in the Concept plan(PDF, 5MB), particular focus has been placed on retaining, rehabilitating and enhancing habitat along the North Pine River.
In accordance with the EPBC approval conditions, Council is also required to rehabilitate 26 hectares of koala habitat across the old settlement ponds. In addition, a further 74 hectares of koala habitat will be enhanced along the North Pine River to strengthen existing wildlife corridors and facilitate wildlife movement throughout the site.
Weed management has now been carried out across 55 hectares of bushland on the site, with a natural regeneration approach adopted to improve ecological resilience and diminish impacts of previous land use.
The primary and supplementary habitat areas will be planted out by 30 June 2023, with ongoing assessments to track tree growth statistics.
Koala management
Council prepared a Koala management plan(PDF, 2MB) for the Mill at Moreton Bay Redevelopment in liaison with:
- Dr Jon Hanger, Endeavour Veterinary Ecology
- Dr Bill Ellis, Researcher, University of Queensland
- Dr Peter Timms, Professor of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Health, Education and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast.
In accordance with Council’s EPBC Act approval and Koala Management Plan, Annual Compliance Reports are required to be submitted to the Federal Government.
The first annual compliance report(PDF, 4MB) was submitted to the Federal Government in April 2023.
The second annual compliance report(PDF, 6MB) was submitted to the Federal Government in April 2024.
The Compliance Reports have been prepared in accordance with the Federal Governments Annual Compliance Report Guidelines - DCCEEW and describes the status of Council’s compliance from 6 September 2017 (original date of approval) to 1 March 2024.
The on-site koala population remains healthy and viable and is exhibiting reproductive success. Council continues to monitor the koala population across the site, and their use of the bushland habitat areas using innovative technology such as, thermal drones in addition to on-ground assessments.
Thermal images taken by drone, courtesy of Halo Nature Reserves Pty Ltd T/A Endeavour Vet Ecology.
Koala chlamydia vaccine
Council is a foundation funding partner with USC in the research, development and initial field trials of a chlamydia vaccine for koalas. Chlamydia is a serious threat, with 40 percent of all koalas presented to wildlife hospitals showing chronic symptoms of the disease which can lead to blindness, infertility and death.
Koalas that were previously monitored as part of the Peninsula Rail Line project were included in the koala chlamydia vaccine field trials. Results indicate that the chlamydial disease prevalence of this population decreased from around 28 percent to less than 1 percent which is a promising sign.
USC is continuing the development of a koala chlamydia vaccine, with Council and EVE working collaboratively with USC to carry out field trials as part of The Mill koala monitoring program.
Wild dog management program
Wild and uncontrolled domestic dogs are known to pose a significant threat to koala populations across South East Queensland.
Council continues its extensive wild dog management program in bushland areas around The Mill site, which to date has resulted in the removal of more than 40 wild dogs from the general area. The bushland areas around the site will continue to be monitored for wild and domestic dog activity.