The Mill PDA - Need for a university
Bernard Salt, one of Australia's leading experts on demographics said:
"the Moreton Bay Regional Council area is in my view the best location for a new university campus in Australia based on current and future demographics. A local, major higher-education campus will unlock job opportunities and supercharge this region's economic development and prosperity."
With around 613,000 residents in Greater Moreton Bay, it could sustain around 67,000 university students 18-24 year olds in the region by 2031.
Mr Salt made the case for a major new university in the region, saying such a campus could generate:
- 10,000 university students by 2033 and 20,000 students at capacity
- Create over 2,200 ongoing jobs for Greater Moreton Bay by 2031
- 100 direct construction jobs each year from 2016-30
- 250 additional ongoing jobs in the local education and health sector from 2031
- $950 million of economic benefit for Moreton Bay.
View the Demographic case for a university in Moreton Bay(PDF, 6MB) by Bernard Salt.