This work program will deliver sustainable regional planning strategies and land use planning policies that are consistent with State interest requirements and reflect the region’s unique growth, development and land use characteristics, whilst managing natural hazards and protecting and conserving the region’s natural resources, environment and heritage. This planning helps to create new and better neighbourhoods, land for businesses and centres as well as the infrastructure required to make it work well.
Growth Management Strategy
Council is preparing a Growth Management Strategy (GMS) to set a roadmap for how Council will manage growth in the region to 2041 and beyond. It will provide principles, strategies and actions that will help manage forecast population growth in the region. The GMS is being prepared under the framework of the new Corporate Plan.
Whilst growth in our region is inevitable, we can actively influence and participate in how we plan for and manage this growth. Some of the key issues to be considered by the GMS include:
- How do we best accommodate the expected population growth in our region?
- How do we better plan for our changing housing needs?
- How do we better plan for local employment opportunities?
- How do we better sequence infrastructure delivery with our expected growth?
- How do we better protect the heritage, character and identity of the region, and its many communities, as it grows?
View the Growth management strategy.
Timing: Completed.
Urban Areas Employment Lands Investigation
This project is investigating supply and demand for the city’s current urban employment lands (excluding centres and retail lands) to identify any implications and make recommendations to inform future employment land supply delivery and policy directions.
Read more about the Regional planning program.
Timing: Completed.
Housing Needs (Choice, Diversity and Affordable Living) Investigation
This project is investigating the region’s current and future housing needs to ensure matters such as housing choice, diversity and affordable living options are sufficiently planned for and are being delivered in the right locations. The project will identify any implications and make recommendations to inform future housing supply delivery and policy directions.
Timing: Completed.
Read more about the Regional planning program.
Infill Housing Expert Panel Recommendations Report
A priority for Council in planning for the growth of our city is to support more diverse, affordable and well-designed infill housing in our existing urban areas.
This approach is supported by Council’s Growth Management Strategy 2042 and the findings of the Housing Needs (Choice, Diversity and Affordable Living) Investigation 2022.
Council established the Infill Housing Expert Panel in 2022 to access independent expert advice on the regulatory, market and development constraints, and opportunities to achieving greater - and more diverse - infill outcomes in Moreton Bay.
The Infill Housing Expert Panel Recommendations Report is the documented findings of the Panel. The recommendations of the Panel’s report reinforce Council’s current strategies in place to incentivise affordable and diverse living, while also offering some new approaches to advance these outcomes. View the report(PDF, 2MB).
Timing: Completed.
Centres and Retail Lands Investigation
This project will investigate supply and demand for the region’s current centres and retail lands to identify any implications, and make recommendations to inform future employment land supply delivery and policy directions.
Timing: Deferred at this time.