Eco-Certification and Accreditation Support Program

Council is committed to City of Moreton Bay becoming a leading sustainable tourism destination. This support program will empower businesses across the city to adopt sustainable practices, ultimately building market appeal while enhancing their positive impact on the planet.

This program offers local businesses a choice of accreditation suppliers who will provide free or significantly discounted eco-certification or accreditation programs. Council will fund each eligible local business to the value of $5,000 in total accreditation or certification programming fees. Any funds exceeding $5,000 will be payable by the business.

Business Chamber Queensland is facilitating the registration process on behalf of Council. For more information or to express interest to register, email

City of Moreton Bay is delivering the Eco-Certification and Accreditation Support Program as part of the Business Boost initiative.  

Queensland Tourism Industry Council

The Quality Tourism Framework (QTF) is a suite of programs supporting the ongoing development of tourism businesses across Australia.

In Queensland, the Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) delivers the QTF for operators throughout the state. 


Tourism businesses can use the program to improve their products, services, or experiences, ensuring the delivery of high-quality visitor experiences through online training, accreditation, and awards programs.

QTIC offers the following programs for City of Moreton Bay businesses:

  • Accessible Tourism program
  • Camp and adventure accreditation program
  • Star Ratings program
  • Risk Management program.

Learn more about QTIC's programs.


EarthCheck provides a suite of programs that support the ongoing development of tourism and event businesses across Australia and internationally. 

City of Moreton Bay businesses can use the program to enhance their product, service or experience and ensure the delivery of high-quality visitor experiences through online training, accreditation and and on-site audits. 

Earthcheck offers the following programs for City of Moreton Bay businesses:

  • EarthCheck Certified
  • EarthCheck Evaluate
  • EventCheck (available to locally-run tourism events).

Learn more about EarthCheck's programs.

Ecotourism Australia

Tourism businesses can use Ecotourism Australia's programs to enhance their product, service or experience and ensure the delivery of high-quality visitor experiences through online training, accreditation and and on-site audits.

Ecotourism Australia offers the following accreditation programs to City of Moreton Bay businesses:

  • Strive 4 Sustainability scorecard 
  • Eco-certification 
  • Sustainable Tourism certification 
Eco Tourism Australia

Funding will also cover businesses participating in the following accreditation programs:

  • Respecting our Culture certification 
  • Climate Action certification.

Learn more about Ecotourism's programs.

Business Chamber Queensland

Business Chamber Queensland is the administer of the ESG Pathways and EcoBiz programs supporting the ongoing development of sustainability practises for businesses across Queensland. These programs are available to businesses irrespective of their sector, broadening the scope to local businesses who are seeking ESG or sustainability strategies for their business.  

City of Moreton Bay Business can access the:

  • ESG Pathway program
  • EcoBiz program (free of charge for Queensland business). 
Business Chambers Queensland