Transport and logistics
With a skilled workforce, proximity to major infrastructure and availability of affordable and quality industrial land and commercial sites, Moreton Bay Region is a prime location for transport and logistics businesses.
Valued at approximately $215.6 million, the regional export market of Moreton Bay’s transport, postal and warehousing industry will continue to grow following the Queensland Government's identification of a future intermodal terminal in the north of the Moreton Bay Region - as identified in the regional plan, ShapingSEQ.
In the Moreton Bay Region you’ll find:
- A skilled employee base of transport, postal and warehousing workers.
- 2,100 successful transport, postal and warehousing businesses.
- Affordable and vacant industrial land.
- Large scale distribution centres for multi-nationals and transport companies.
- Two large greenfield future industrial hubs positioned on the last interchanges of the Bruce Highway north of Brisbane.
- Road and rail connections to the Port of Brisbane, Brisbane Domestic and International Airports, and Australia’s newest International airport, the Sunshine Coast Airport.