As a tenant of a Council facility, written consent is required before:
- entering into a sub-lease agreement with a third party
- making improvements or alterations to the leased facility
- assigning the lease to a third party
- applying for a liquor and/or gaming licence
- applying to mortgage the lease.
Refer to Council’s Community leasing policy for details regarding tenants ongoing maintenance responsibilities. If maintenance is required which is Council’s responsibility:
Lodge maintenance request
Application to undertake works at a community leased, licenced or permitted facility
Improvements and alterations
Tenants (including sub-tenants and co-tenants) of a community leased, licenced or permitted facility must submit an Improvement Works Application (IWA) to obtain Council’s written consent prior to undertaking any proposed improvements within or associated with the lease, licence or permit area, e.g. new building work, building extensions, air conditioning, solar panels, signage. Council may consent with conditions or refuse applications at its discretion.
Failure to obtain Council’s written consent before undertaking any work may result in Council requiring the tenant to remove or order the immediate non-use or securing of such items at the expense of the tenant.
Tenants proposing to undertake major works, such as a new building or a building extension, must liaise with a Council Sport and Recreation Officer prior to submitting an application to identify any site constraints that may need consideration when planning the project.
Preparing your application
Several supporting documents will be required to support the application. It is important to ensure all supporting documents are attached during the application process. If there is any missing information, the application will be considered incomplete and will not progress until such time as all information has been provided.
Required information and attachments may include:
- site plan/aerial - this can be hand-drawn and should identify all existing structures and the location of the proposed works. The site plan should also identify any site boundaries, trees, vegetation or water courses located in the vicinity of the works
- quotation for the proposed works - including supply, installation and certification (where applicable)
- plans of the proposed works - where applicable, this should include details such as dimensions, materials, colours, water/sewer/electrical infrastructure, floor plans, make/model, slab/footings design, elevations, etc.
- a copy of the organisation's certificate of currency for public liability insurance
- for sub-tenants and co-tenants - a letter of support for your proposed project from the head-lessee or co-tenant. The letter of support should include details of the project and proposed scope of works
- any additional information that will support the application and assist the assessing officers to understand the proposed scope of works.
Assessment time frame
Once the application is received, the assessment period can take up to six weeks to complete. This allows Council time to consult with relevant stakeholders about the proposed works. This time frame should be taken into consideration when planning any works or applying for grants. In some cases, further approvals may be required from other local or state government authorities, such as development approvals.
For further information regarding the Improvement Works (IWA) application requirements please refer to Council’s - Community Leasing - Improvement Works Application (IWA)(PDF, 155KB) factsheet.
Submit an online Improvement works application (IWA):
Apply now
Locks and keys
Keys and locks are restricted, therefore approval is required before locksmiths can make copies. Tenants are generally responsible for the cost of replacement and additional keys.
If additional, or replacement keys or locks are required, complete the online key and lock request application:
Apply now
Sports field permits
Organisations who use Council owned sports fields for training and fixtures are required to hold a sports field permit which stipulates the days and times of use for each organisation.
Note - If your organisation also has access to a clubhouse and/or other buildings, tenure for these facilities will be provided by way of a separate agreement.
Updating contact details
Council must be advised of any changes to committee members and contact details to ensure the information is up-to-date to assist in the management of your tenure agreement.
To update your details:
Lodge request