Economic development grants


Our Economic development grants program supports community organisations in developing initiatives that align with our economic strategy.

Eligible initiatives must deliver benefits to multiple local businesses. This may include events and resources that could assist chambers and industry bodies to support collective groups of local businesses to:

  • increase their revenue
  • improve their operational efficiency
  • enhance their skills or knowledge
  • expand their market reach
  • strengthen their customer relationships
  • attract inward investment
  • advance their local industry or the reputation of their area as a place to do business.

The grant provides up to $10,000 in funding to successful applicants.

Before applying for the grant

Read the following documents to assist with your application:

You must also discuss your proposal with the Economic Development team. This will allow you to get initial feedback on whether your proposal is eligible and aligns with Our City’s Economic Strategy.

To arrange a time to discuss your proposal, email

If you need further help, refer to Grants application help and resources

When to apply for the grant

Round  Opening date Closing date   Notification of outcome Project start date 
1 1 February 2025 31 March 2025 Approximately 3 weeks after closing date  1 May 2025
  • You must submit your application before the activity starts. 
  • Projects must start on or after the project start date.

Successful applicants from previous grant rounds

Find more funding opportunities

Learn more about grant and funding opportunities and register with City of Moreton Bay Funding Finder.

Frequently asked questions

What types of projects are eligible for funding under our Economic Development Grants Program?

Projects that align with the City’s Economic Strategy (2020-2041) are eligible. Projects can be selected from the Economic Development Grants Resource Kit(PDF, 1MB)  or identified and developed by the applicant.

To check whether your proposal is eligible and aligns with Our City’s Economic Strategy, discuss your proposal with the Economic Development team. To arrange a time to discuss your proposal, email 

Why does the Council provide a resource kit for grant applicants?

The resource kit aims to simplify the grant application process for chambers of commerce and industry groups, particularly volunteer-led organisations. It offers pre-confirmed, high-level project outlines and supplier information. This reduces the effort that applicants must invest to prove alignment with Our City's Economic Strategy objectives.

Can a business or industry group only apply for projects listed in the resource kit?

Applicants are not limited to the project concepts outlined in the resource kit. They can propose other initiatives, provided they prove how their projects meet the objectives of the Economic Development Grants Program. An application can be submitted for either:

  • A self-initiated project where the applicant:
    • develops the project scope
    • develops the full responses to the application criteria
    • sources the supplier's service outlines and quotes
  • A project included in a new resource kit

Applicant copies the relevant information from the resource kit and includes this in application questions relating to:

  • project scope
  • alignment with the City’s Economic Strategy
  •  the assessment of need
  • expected benefits from the project, and
  • project costings.

Can a chamber use a different supplier for a project type listed in the resource kit?

Yes, applicants are free to choose suppliers outside of those listed in the resource kit. While the kit includes examples of aligned suppliers, the selection of suppliers and due diligence remains the responsibility of the applicant.

How do applicants use the resource kit in their application?

Applicants can cut and paste content from the resource kit in their grant application. It is advisable to customise and expand upon the content to accurately reflect the unique aspects of your project. You may request comprehensive service outlines and costings for suppliers listed in the resource kit from Council.

What support or resources are available to help me with my Economic Developments Grants application?

The application process requires all applicants to discuss their proposed project with an Economic Development officer. Officers can provide guidance on how well the project aligns with the funding guidelines. Applicants can also draw upon a range of digital resources.

How do suppliers get selected for inclusion in the resource kit?

Council invites local chambers of commerce and industry groups to nominate suppliers. Council will invite this list of suppliers to submit a service outline demonstrating how their product or service aligns with the objectives and targets of the Economic Developments Grants program.

Council will assess and distil into the resource kit to maximise the alignment of the suppliers’ information with the funding application requirements.