Community grants City of Moreton Bay’s community grants provide up to $30,000 to not-for-profit organisations to support a variety of local projects and initiatives.
Individual achievement grants Funding to support individuals who have qualified or have been selected by a peak body to represent Queensland or Australia.
Economic development grants Our Economic development grants support community organisations to develop initiatives that align with Our City's Economic Strategy 2020-2041.
Regional arts development fund The regional arts development fund supports initiatives that focus on arts, culture and heritage in Moreton Bay.
Discretionary funds Each financial year, the Mayor and Councillors may allocate funding to community organisations for community purposes.
Community facilities interest-free loans Interest-free loans are available for eligible sporting and community groups to develop new or improve existing community facilities.
Sponsorship for major events and activities Council’s sponsorship program helps businesses provide major community, cultural, multicultural, and sporting events and activities to City of Moreton Bay.
Environmental Grants Programs Our Environmental Grants Programs include Our Healthy Environments Grants for not-for-profit groups and the Voluntary Conservation program grant.
Grant application help and other resources Get help with your grants application and find other funding opportunities in City of Moreton Bay. You can also subscribe to our newsletter.