Accessible beaches Moreton Bay welcomes everyone to its accessible beaches with wheelchair access, beach mats, and free beach wheelchair hire for a great day out!
Changing Places Changing Places assist people with high support needs, enabling them to be more active and engaged in their local community.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Learn more about Council's commitment to improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of information, services and facilities.
Disability Action Week Disability Action Week acknowledges the important and varied contributions people living with a disability make to our community.
Accessible parks and playgrounds There are a number of parks in the Moreton Bay region with accessibility features, find one close to you.
Virtual tours You can now virtually travel through our libraries, galleries and museums on your computer or smart device.
Disaster preparedness and response for people with disability A range of tools and resources aimed at people with disability (PWD), service providers working with PWD and emergency services organisations.
Access public facilities using a Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) Master Locksmiths Access Keys (MLAK) are universal locks and keys for people living with disability. They provide 24/7 access to accessible public facilities.
Services for seniors and people with disability Find out more about services within the community that assist seniors and people with disability living at home, including garden maintenance services.