Prepare yourself and your property for bushfires
Bushfires can have devastating effects on communities and the Moreton Bay environment. After a few weeks of hot and windy weather, a fire can occur anywhere there's dry grassland or bush. Although bushfires can occur at any time, fire season in Queensland often begins in July and runs through until October and can extend through to February.
Know your bushfire risk
Bushfires can occur anywhere with hot and dry weather conditions, find out if your area is prone to bushfires with Postcode Checker. Check if your home has a bushfire hazard overlay map with Council's My property look up. As an early indicator tool for bushfire, be sure to check the fire danger ratings. The Bureau of Meteorology updates these ratings daily.
How to prepare for a bushfire
To reduce the impact of bushfire on your family and home, follow these actions:
Managing rural properties
Rural landholders should consider other forms of preparedness like creating a firebreak. A firebreak is an area cleared of flammable material, they can help to slow or stop fires.
To check if you can create a firebreak and clear vegetation, contact Council. Before conducting any burning on your property, get a free fire permit from your local Rural Fire Service.
Tune into weather updates and local radio
When there is a bushfire in your area it is up to you to take notice, make informed decisions and act. Adhere to warnings issued by the Queensland Fire Department.
Listen for bushfire news with your local commercial radio. See regular updates during bushfire season on the Bureau of Meteorology or by downloading their app.
Bushfire evacuation options
Leaving early is the safest option to protect yourself and your family during bushfire season. If you leave early, you're less prone to panicking or feeling trapped. You can make sound decisions and avoid the risk of serious injury or death. When warnings are issued, you may be directed to evacuate to a predetermined safer location. Have your Bushfire Survival Plan ready. Seek refuge with family or friends in a safe area or check the Disaster Dashboard to find your nearest evacuation centre
Neighbourhood Safer Places
You should use a Neighbourhood Safer Place (NSP) only in the event your Bushfire Survival Plan fails. Use NSPs as a last resort. The main purpose of these places is to provide some level of protection to human life from the effects of a bushfire. Your NSP does not guarantee safety and has limitations to what it can provide.
- Firefighters may not be present as they be fighting the main fire front elsewhere.
- NSPs do not cater for animals or pets.
- NSPs do not provide meals or amenities.
- NSPs may not provide shelter from the elements, particularly flying embers.
View the list of NSPs in Moreton Bay.
Planned burns in your local area
Council undertakes planned burns to help reduce bushfire ground fuels, minimise the severity of these fires and reduce the threat to life. For more information, view Planned burns in Moreton Bay.