Standard 3.2.2A - Food Safety Management Tools

The Australian Government amended the Food Standards Code to include a new Food Safety Standard 3.2.2A - Food Safety Management Tools.

Food businesses that handle potentially hazardous foods are sorted into two categories. If your business falls into these categories, you must apply food safety management tools. Uncategorised businesses do not need to implement these tools.

Food business categorisation

After a Council inspection, your business will receive a category and information to assist your business. Food businesses in categories one and two must have these food safety management tools.

Category one

Category one businesses make and serve potentially hazardous foods to consumers for immediate consumption. This includes businesses such as:

  • cafes
  • restaurants
  • takeaways
  • pubs
  • childcare centres.

Category two

Category two businesses minimally handle, but do not make, potentially hazardous food before its retail sale. This includes businesses such as:

  • service stations where they reheat and sell unpackaged food
  • some supermarket delis that do not also cook chickens.

No category

Uncategorised businesses do not need to apply these tools.

Food safety management tools

Mandatory food handler training

Food businesses in categories one and two must ensure that each food handler has the required skillset. You can complete a food handler training course to obtain the necessary skills. Council provides free food handler training.

Certified food safety supervisor

Food businesses in categories one and two must appoint a certified food safety supervisor. This person must have attended an approved training course within the past five years.

Evidence of safe food handling

Food businesses in category one must maintain records or show via other means that they comply with food safety practices.