Selling services on public land and roads

Selling services on public land and roads requires approval. Services can include:

  • personal training
  • boot camps
  • yoga
  • regional tours
  • dog training
  • hiring goods, such as paddleboards
  • commercial photographer charging to take portraits at a park on an ongoing basis.

Find out more about selling goods on public land and roads, such as food, drinks, flowers and seafood, and food business licences.

Council regulates these activities to ensure they are carried out safely while taking other public space users and residents into consideration, and to maintain the purpose and amenity of our public spaces.

You need to apply with all supporting documentation at least 30 business days before you want to commence trading. Once all supporting documents have been provided, your application will be reviewed and assessed under the Commercial Use of Public Land and Roads Local Law 2023. 

Council is trialling the Moreton Bay Pop Ups Program. The program encourages businesses to pop up in pre-approved, specific areas throughout Moreton Bay. Find out if your business can operate as part of the Moreton Bay Pop Ups Program.

If your business or location is not part of the program, continue with this application.

How to apply

Step 1.Complete a risk management plan

Complete the Risk management plan template(DOCX, 927KB).

Step 2.Prepare a site plan

You will need to prepare a detailed site plan, including site dimensions, using the Trading on Public Land and Roads site plan template(DOCX, 45KB).

Step 3.Take out public liability insurance

Evidence of a current public liability insurance policy to the value of $20,000,000 in the same name as the applicant should be provided with your application.

Ensure the location listed on your policy includes public land, for example, Anywhere in Australia or Worldwide. This must be outlined either on your certificate of currency or the terms and conditions of your policy and provided to Council. If this is not listed, obtain written confirmation from your insurer.

Step 4.Collect supporting documents

Depending on your business, you may also need to provide:

  • the details of any third-party operators
  • any other relevant government licences, registrations or approvals, such as a blue card or Marine park permit. 

Step 5.Review conditions

Make sure you review and understand the Commercial use of public land and roads conditions(PDF, 549KB). Specific conditions may be added after your application has been assessed.

Step 6.Review fees and charges

In accordance with Council's fees and charges, an application fee of t1206 is payable at the time of application. Council will contact you for payment.

Other fees are payable when your approval is renewed. These fees are:

  • a t1194 annual commercial fee. This fee is charged on a pro rata monthly basis to 30 September
  • a t1209 annual renewal fee.

The renewal period for the approval is from 1 October to 30 September.

Charities and not-for-profit organisations are exempt from paying fees if evidence is provided.

Step 7.Submit an application form

Download and complete the Commercial use of public land and roads application form(PDF, 943KB) and submit along with your supporting documents:

The applicant for an approval must be a legal entity, such as an individual, company, incorporated body, unincorporated body, partnership, body corporate or trustee.

Please note

  • Special mowing or additional servicing of the area is not provided. Council maintains its parks and gardens on a routine maintenance schedule.
  • Public  Land and Roads are for the use of the public and a approval will not guarantee exclusive use of the park.
  • Annual and major events held in parks will at times take precedence over your activities.
  • Exercise stations located in parks are not to be part of your service and access must be maintained for general public use.
  • All goods, equipment and materials must be removed from site each day.