Abandoned vehicles

Queensland Police and Council are responsible for responding to complaints regarding abandoned vehicles.


Council removes abandoned vehicles from all roads and public land, except for the Bruce Highway. Council does not deal with abandoned vehicles on private land.

A vehicle is deemed abandoned when Council is unable to locate the owner. If the owner of a vehicle is identified, it cannot be deemed abandoned. When this occurs, Council is unable to remove it, and the matter can be referred to the Police.

To report unregistered abandoned vehicles dumped on Council property, contact Council with a description of the vehicle and its location.

Should the vehicle owner be found, or the vehicle owner contacts Council to claim their vehicle, they must pay any costs incurred prior to the vehicle being released.

After 30 days, unclaimed vehicles are sold by public auction.

Queensland Police

Residents should contact the Queensland Police if they believe that a registered vehicle has been abandoned or parked in a hazardous position.