Site 5 is located on the portion of Bells Creek that extends between King Street and Bell Street. It has been nominated as a preferred site for the retrofit project for water quality improvement works.
It is proposed that water quality treatment infrastructure including a weir, sedimentation pond to replace a portion of the existing concrete lined channel, approximately 110 metres in length.
It is intended that the establishment of riparian vegetation is integrated with the works and will not only play a key role in facilitating water quality treatment but will increase landscape amenity, prevent erosion to the creek and basin edges and expand habitat corridor linkage within this section of the creek.
The project proposes to replace the existing concrete drain with a naturalised sediment basin. The basin will consist of a concrete weir to retain freshwater upstream and prevent saltwater intrusion into the vegetated system and will incorporate rock scour protection and maintenance access surrounded by a broader vegetated floodplain. The naturalised basin will create a more self-sustainable system, with improved vegetated edges. Plants within the basin will help capture sediment and nutrients contained within stormwater and provide amenity and habitat value for the area.
The stormwater quality improvement works include:
- Replace concrete drain with a naturalised sediment basin.
- Provide stormwater treatment function.
- Improve the aquatic and terrestrial ecological values of the waterway and park.
- Meet the stormwater pollutant load reduction targets.
The expected project outcomes include:
- Improved water quality and biodiversity.
- Improved pedestrian connectivity.
- Landscaped parklands with improved visual amenity.
- Low maintenance self-sustaining green infrastructure.
- Improved water quality in Bells Creek.
Location of works
Gallery of completed works