Beachmere footbridges removal For safety reasons, we have closed two footbridges at T.E. Bonney Reserve, Beachmere. Work to remove the bridges should be completed in December 2024.
Beachmere Lake Beachmere lake is a constructed lake which plays an important role in stormwater and flood mitigation for the Beachmere community. The lake is also connected to the ocean via a tidal exchange system, resulting in an estuarine environment.
Beachmere shoreline management Foreshore property owners at Beachmere can manage the shoreline on their property to minimise the impacts of erosion.
Beech Drive Park - Water quality improvements These works to the waterway at Beech Drive Park, Morayfield will improve water quality to the catchment and prevent sediment entering Moreton Bay.
Bells Creek - Water quality improvements There is ongoing maintenance alongside Bells Creek, Clontarf to further improve water quality.
Biodiversity Plan We’re creating a Biodiversity Plan that will help identify and conserve the biodiversity values of our region. Get involved and help us get this right!
Charlish Park seawall renewal Redcliffe Council is renewing the foreshore protection seawall at Charlish Park on Redcliffe Parade, south of the Redcliffe Jetty.
Coastal Building Design - Bribie Island Good planning can help us accommodate growth while maintaining existing community character. Help us get the planning right for taller buildings in our coastal areas.
Crockatt Park - Seawall Renewal Council is upgrading coastal protection structures around Crockatt Park, Woody Point.
Dredged material management facility, Ningi Council purchased the land at 1077 Bribie Island Road Ningi to use as a site for the storage and treatment of dredged material.
Fauna infrastructure installation | Chelsea Street, Kippa Ring The City is improving wildlife and road safety at Chelsea Street Environmental Reserve with fauna infrastructure, such as fencing and egress devices.
Humpybong Creek system improvements Council will be commencing a two-stage approach to improvement works for the Humpybong Creek system. The works aim to improve water quality and biodiversity and include new low-maintenance landscaped parklands.
Newport Waterways - maintenance dredging Information on the scheduled dredging works within the Newport Waterways canal estate, due to start in early 2025 for approximately 5 months.
Queens Beach South seawall upgrade Council is planning to upgrade a segment of existing coastal seawall at Queens Beach South, Redcliffe.
Rock groyne construction at Sunset Park Banksia Beach A rock groyne is proposed on the foreshore adjacent to Sunset Park, Banksia Beach to reduce the northerly transport of sand into the Pacific Harbour canal system.
Williamina Court Park - Water quality improvements Council proposes to replace the existing concrete drain with a naturalised constructed waterway. The constructed waterway will consist of a rocky and vegetated low flow channel surrounded by a broader vegetated floodplain.
Woorim Beach sand back-passing trial Council is trialling an innovative sand back-passing system to help manage erosion along Woorim Beach.